So…I’ve been trying to work on setting up this website/blog since April to document my recovery in an effort to help others as well. I have purchased a book, tried to read the book, watched youtube videos, etc. and it still seems like Greek to me.
I thought I was making a little progress today until I hit the wrong button and messed it all up. Now I’m trying to fix it, but I can’t remember how I did it in the first place even with the notes I’ve been taking. Ugh!
Right now I am just so frustrated and feel like crying because no matter how hard I try I just am not comprehending what to do to get what I want to be done. In the sense of being honest (I forgot how the saying goes), my mind is telling me that I should know how to do this, but my brain isn’t getting it!!!!
As with brain injuries when my brain gets too taxed or stressed, my brain begins to feel foggy and my eyes seem to get blurry. It then goes into shut down mode.
This is actually one of the many symptoms a person with a brain injury encounters. Learning new things is rather quite difficult because it requires attention, concentration, and memory. When your brain is injured, it has trouble with the memory process which causes difficulties. It doesn’t mean that I’m not ever going to get this…it just means it will take much longer to progress.
Time to take a much-needed break and try again later. Praying for the Lord’s wisdom in setting up the website/blog.