Struck By Lightning Journal Entry

2019 Jan 15-16

Jan 15

4:00p – went to pick up Dezirae’s glasses. Needed to get 9v battery. Decided to go to Wal-Mart so I could get milk & laundry sent booster. Knew I didn’t have cash and needed to use bank card. 

Unable to pull out shopping cart. Had Dezirae help. Legs & feet started throbbing while walking behind cart. Legs begin feeling like lead balloons. Went to check out and discovered that I didn’t have checkbook. Ugh! Had to go home & get it. Decided to go to Dollar store instead.

5:30p back home. Dezirae helped with dinner. So thankful. Steak tips & gravy over mashed potatoes & corn. Yummy!

Guys worked on putting shelf back in Dezirae’s closet. 

6:00p- I finally have Jordon’s 2nd quarter grades done. Now to document Dezirae’s. They’re due on Friday. I feel like I’m late bc I used to have them done within days of quarter ending. Hard for me to stay on top of things now. 

6:45p- took shower. Arms started throbbing while washing hair. I’m still not able to lift arms over heart very long my arms throbbing horribly. I don’t comprehend it. Dr’s don’t seem to understand. Still seaking out answers. Wore out. 

10:19p- I think I’m beginning to feel a little better. Had periods of clarity of thought today. Still get disctracted easily. It amused Dezirae (trying to drain juice from vegetable broth I made, but ended up doing something else. Veggie scraps sat in strainer for a while til I got back around to it when I saw it sitting in sink & Dezirae pointed it out to me). I don’t recall what distracted me. Oh, I think I still have load of clothes sitting in washer. Oh, well.  Oh, no! I forgot to order Dezirae’s birthday cake. I’ll have to do that tomorrow for sure.

Tongue still looks aweful to me. Joe said he thought it’s looking better. It’s getting easier to swallow. I’ve been eating soft foods & limiting sugary foods. Still have several days of yucky rx to swish & swallow.

Legs & feet ache, arms sore like I worked out (which I’m obviously unable to do right now – a one point 6 something gallon laundry soap container is hard for me to hold without dropping right now), hands and wrists swollen & aching, neck hurts – not able to move it too far without causing pain like a crick in neck, rt ear ringing periodically, inner rt ear itches once in a while. Postives – 2nd day without major headache.  

Joe told me I wasn’t suppose to rinse mouth out with water after using rx. Just looked it up. He’s right. I’m not taking it right at all. Ugh! I told pharmacist I had not taken before. Internet says something different than I remember being told. Frustrating! 

There’s always tomorrow to start taking it right. Thankfully, His mercies are new every morning. 

Jan 16

12:28a- still awake. Muscles in legs twitching. It gets annoying after while. Cannot take melatonin or muscle relaxer or I won’t be alert enough for co-op classes tomorrow. Ugh! Hope it stops soon. Lower back throbbing. Very thirsty.

5:30a- finally fell asleep sometime after 12:30am. Woke to Joe giving me kiss goodbye. Heard strange sound but couldn’t figure out where it coming from. 

6:30a- hands & wrists swollen and achy. Still hear noise – figured out it was toilet. Had to get up to fix it. Low back hurts. Headache starting. 

10:50a- Dezirae’s excited because in choir one of the songs they are learning is “Even in the Valley God is Good”. 

11:15a- nerve endings tingling, pain in jaw is diminishing, headache has eased

Young choir practicing Patch the Pirate songs. I already know them. Yeah!  I feel like I grew up on Patch the Pirate adventures! Gotta figure out how to get cassette tapes converted to cd. I guess rx is beginning to work. 

12:40p- I’m enjoying US Geography co-op class this year. I chose to help in class this year to help me relearn some of information that I lost from brain injury. It’s fun watching kids getting excited about learning. It pushes my brain and most days I end up with headache. Co-op is taxing on me overall and I’m usually done for day afterwards. My kids love it.  

8:37p- just posted devotional to my blog. I’m exhausted. Need to rest. 

10:15p- I am tuckered out. Hopefully, I’ll fall asleep fast. Goodnight. 

Struck By Lightning Journal Entry

2019 Jan 13-14

Jan 13

6:00a- woke to hands, wrists, ankles, & feet throbbing! Muscles in calves twitching. I’d video tape but can’t see inside my legs. Low back throbbing. Slow going this morning. Hard to get motivated to move when you hurt so much.

1:35p- I’m exhausted cannot push myself more.  Need to take nap. Laying down in nursery.

10:54p- I’m exhausted and hurting all over. It’s been a good day in the Lord’s house. Feet are freezing. Have heating pad on them to warm up. Itchy skin. Calves cramping. Chest hurts. Fingers ache. Hands & wrists swollen. Eyes watery. Congested. Stuffy nose. Feet freezing but perspiring. I don’t get that one. Tongue still covered…actually looks worse than Friday.’s-phenomenon

Jan 14

8:52a- having such a hard time waking up like I took sleeping pill or something (only took 3mg melatonin). Not like I haven’t tried…been trying since 6:30a. Whole body aches. Fingers tingling. Lower back aches. Neck hurts to move very far.

12:00p- just tracing three hearts for church bulletin board made me feel cross-eyed and dizzy. Time for break.

12:40p- traced other four hearts and laminated them. Need to make tea. 

1:30p- started making ramen soup but got side tracked organizing pantry. Tried to pick up two glass containers but lost grip and they clanged. Brown sugar jar broke! Kids jumped into help as soon as I asked for help. Transferred to empty container only lost a little. 

Had to have Jordon adjust shelf to depth I wanted. Couldn’t figure out or budge shelf to adjust it. Taking more effort than I planned.

2:50p- just realized I forgot to plug in crockpot for supper tonight! Ugh! 

3:00p- finally sitting down to eat lunch (my soup). I’m exhausted. Could’ve stayed in bed all day the way I’m feeling. Had goal to get pantry reorganized today and wanted to get it done. Took me several hours, but it’s almost done. Have to get one of kids to sweep floor. Time to rest again.  

5:00p- Crashed for I don’t know how long. Decided to get up and go put away some laundry. Ended up hanging Joe’s suits with matching shirts & ties. One load of laundry folded on bed. Arms hurt so bad!!!  Have to rest a bit to put clothes away.  Didn’t used to be this way. Learning my new limitations has been a chore. One day I’ll figure it out. 

7:55 face feels hot & flushed. Chills down back starting at base of neck.

Having trouble speaking – slurring words

10:39a- Added Vitamin C 1000mg 2x daily to boost immune system. I just realized that I haven’t had a headache all day. It’s been a long time since I could say that. Thank you, Lord! 

Positive Note

“It is always possible to be thankful for what is given rather than to complain about what is not given. One or the other becomes a habit of life.”  -Elisabeth Elliot

We can’t control all the adversities in life, but we can trust God to guide us through them.

1 Peter 5:7 – Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Doesn’t that give you a wonderful peace knowing that there is a God in Heaven that cares about you?

Think on These Things…Whatsoever things are…JUST

Picture from Pixabay

But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. Galatians 3:11

KJV Dictionary defines JUST as In a moral sense, upright; honest; having principles of rectitude, or conforming exactly to the laws, and to principles of rectitude in social conduct; equitable in the distribution of justice; as a just judge.1

Webster defines JUST as 1ahaving a basis in or conforming to fact or reason REASONABLE  bconforming to a standard of correctness PROPER 2a(1)acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good RIGHTEOUS (2)being what is merited DESERVED blegally correct LAWFUL2

The apostle Paul wrote this letter as an encouragement to the Christians at Philippi.  The book of Philippians is a blueprint on how to have joy in all circumstances.

Paul dedicated his life to following Christ.  His desire to know Christ above all else is best expressed in Philippians 3:8-10: “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;”

The Greek word for Just is δίκαιος, ία, ιον (dikaios)3 which means correct, righteous, by implication innocent: a state of being right.  It can simply mean someone who is righteous in their ways.4  

Paul is admonishing us to keep our focus on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praise worthy (Philippians 4:8). You’ve heard the old adage: “garbage in, garbage out”. The same is true for applying good things in our lives.  What we allow to go into our minds will determine what we dwell upon and therefore what comes out in words and actions.

Many times we choose to focus on things that can bring happiness, and pleasure.  We frequently think about things that serve our self will.  Though we say that we desire to live a righteous life, our minds are usually focused on things that feed fleshly desires (Galatians 5:19-21).  Would your thought life be described as just?

We must train our minds to focus on things that are wholesome.  We must pay attention to what we allow to enter our minds through television, internet, books, movies, radio, etc.  Spend time in God’s Word and pray.  Ask Him to fill your life until your heart and mind only dwells upon that which is in harmony with God’s standards as stated in Scriptures.


  3. Strong’s Concordance –
  5. Life Application Study Bible KJV

Lightning Strike Memoirs 2019 Jan 11-12

Jan 11

5:45a- woke with sharp pain in rt side of chest thru to back. Tried wriggling to get it to ease to no avail. Applied pain rub once I remembered where it was. Throbbing pain in legs. Stuffy & congested. I’m tired & tired of being in pain. If I could diminish the pain, I might think clearer. Gonna rest until alarm goes off.  

Thankful we can go directly to our Heavenly Father with all our anxieties and all our cares!

12:14p- Not been my day. Got into argument with Joe bc of moving forward in painting Dezirae’s closet. He wants to help and shelf needs to be leveled so she can put things on it. We have entire closet emptied and now have to wait until he gets home to help. 

While typing up info sheet for dr apt, I picked up clipboard to move it. My fingers gave way and I dropped the clipboard. Corner landed on the “T” and broke it off! Letter works, but I don’t know how to fix it.

Dezirae immediately googled how to fix it. Watched a youtube video and followed instructions and was able to put the key back on. PTL!  We have smart kids. 

1:00p- Got Fb notification about “The Doctor is in” live on tv5. Decided to watch is see what type of Dr it was – Dr Lee Ferguson of The Vascular Center of Mobile. Some of the questions the viewers were asking are similar to some of my symptoms…tingling and pain in hands and feet. I just assumed those issues were due to neuropathy. Never crossed my mind that it could be circulation issues. I decided to ask if he had ever treated a lightning survivor. The lady said this is interesting question and asked my question on live tv and mentioned me by name. Cool! The Dr admitted that he hasn’t recalled treating a lightning survivor but was willing to if necessary. I tried to mention my issues but segment ended before I could (I didn’t think to ask when I first asked question. My thought process is still rather slow.) 

5:00p- Dr confirmed thrush. It’s down the back of my throat & said it’s probably in my esophagus too. Prescribed an oral rinse for 10 days to knock it out. I asked about other remedies I could do. Told me that I was already on enough supplements he didn’t want me to add anything else bc it could throw my system more out of wack than it already is from the lightning strike.  

Went to store to get rx filled. Lady said it would be about 45 min. I told her I would wait for it and do some shopping. Did the shopping and put it in car. Went to pick Rx up. It wasn’t even in system. The lady didn’t even give it to pharmacist. Ugh!  I told new lady I had already been waiting about an hour. She apologized and scanned it into system right away. Had to wait 10 more minutes. 

Got home and was wore out. Told kids we would wait a bit for dinner bc I needed to rest. I think I dozed off for a few minutes until phone rang.    

10:14p- It’s gonna be a long 10 days bc the medicine doesn’t taste good. Gotta think positive…I’m gonna feel better on the other side of this. My tongue and throat won’t hurt. I may even have more energy – that’ll be a plus. Haven’t hardly had any pep for couple of months since onset.

I’m exhausted. Center of chest throbbing

Oral thrush/Candida infection symptoms:

White patchy tongue, pain in tongue, difficulty swallowing, sore throat, cotton mouth feeling, taste buds are off, tiredness & fatigue, chronic sinus infections, can cause fever if goes past esophagus, joint pain if left untreated

Treatments can vary depending on severity and length of issues. I’ve tried doubling probiotics, oral rinse, peppermint oil rinse, etc. for couple of months. Home remedies not working…proves to me my immune system is weakened.

Jan 12

6:50a- Ugh! It feels like I just went to sleep. I’m not ready to get up…just a little longer. 

7:00a- Hitting snooze just a little longer. I feel sluggish.

7:45a- Didn’t mean to sleep that long. My legs hurt, headache, tongue hurts. I need to start the day. Bible read. 

Medicine doesn’t taste good. Yuck!

8:30a- Started cooking breakfast. Heating skillet up to cook eggs got distracted and smoked the kitchen up! Ugh! Cooled skillet and started again. Splashed hot oil on arm. Ouch! 

10:00a- It’s amazing how music can soothe the soul. I love playing hymns that speak to your soul. “Thank you, Lord”, and “Springs of Living Water”. 

11:00a- Met an interesting fella while out on visitation today. He asked me what my job was at the church. I replied, “I’m the pastor’s wife.” He chuckled and said, “Ah, the Pastor’s wife.”   I asked my kids what he meant by that. My son replied, “It means your special.” I said,”Nah.” He quickly responded, “Mom, you’re special to me and your special to everyone you meet.” I just said, “Awh.”

2:00p- Completed a labour of love. Dezirae & I painted her closet today.  I loved painting once upon a time, but the pain it causes now. Closet looks good. It’s now time to rest a while. Maybe a cat nap too.

4:50p- muscles in leg keep fluttering

Lightning Strike Memoirs 2019 Jan 9-10

Jan 9

8:00a- slept a little longer than 6 hours. Good. Hands & arms numb & tingling. Low back throbbing. Legs crampy.

8:32p- I am exhausted. Needed to balance checkbook and pay some bills. Ended up trying to collect info for filing taxes. Got myself confused. Took me four hours and a headache.

Also had to go grocery shopping. New menu board is helping. Thank goodness. Dezirae helped me shop. By time we were done, I felt like I was gonna pass out & hurt all over.

Joe & Dezirae helped bring in groceries while I started putting them away. Dezirae helped finish put items away and then I started working on dinner.  

A simple meal (Chicken pot pie, sweet potatoes, & cherry crisp) took me two hours to fix bc I was moving slower than normal due to exhaustion and pain. I wasn’t even hungry by the time it was ready. I even forgot to eat lunch. 

9:56p- tongue has been bothering me most of day. Just looked at it in mirror.  Looks like lesions forming again and it’s covered in white! Ugh! 

Asked question on Facebook. Two responses: geographic tongue or thrush

Jan 10

7:30a- having trouble waking. Muscles cramping everywhere. Cotton mouth. Fingers numb & tingly. Left ear ringing. Neck hurts. It hurts to move. 

9:43a- I am so tired. No energy.

11:54a- Periodic chills throughout day, legs feel heavy & crampy. Trying to get kids grades together to turn in for second quarter. I keep confusing myself on subject and what quizzes were taken & when. Thought I was behind on Jordon’s Science quizzes, but ended up working ahead couple of weeks. Not a bad thing in my state of mind. I have one more subject for him & then I can concentrate on Dezirae. She won’t be as hard -I think- bc she’s not in high school yet.

4:00p- called an made Dr apt for tomorrow at 2pm. Tongue is bothering me. Neck is throbbing rt side. Headache. Tired & no umpf. 

10:29p- Really messing up my words, phrases, etc tonight. Had family in stitches. I’m not even comprehending what I messed up. Whatever I said, one of my kids asked if I needed a lightbulb. I just rolled with it and claimed, “Oh, the abuse I get from my own family. There’s no safe place to run. Oh!” They cracked up even more.

At least we can still have fun together even if it’s at my experience. LOL!

Chest is bothering me tonight. It hurts to laugh. I told Joe don’t make me laugh your hurting me. It was too late anyway bc they were already laughing over what I messed up on that was so funny.

Struck By Lightning Journal Entries

2019 Jan 23-24

Jan 23

2:47a- still wide awake. Headache has become a migraine. Seeing spots in the dark. Skin feels like pins and needles. Background light all way down plus night owl on and this light still hurts eyes. Praying. 10 breaths. Counting blessing. Muscles shaking. Need to calm brain. Next quote Scripture. 

6:40a- last time I looked at clock it was 3:17a when I was reaching for melatonin. Awake again.

8:15a- realized I still needed to fix hair and put makeup on. My left hand jerked while putting mascara on and accidentally poked myself in eye with mascara wand. Ouch!

9:12a- made it to co-op in nick of time. Wanted to be there earlier. Headache has already started.

Wind blowing so hard outside I can hear it whistling inside.

2:00p- went to pick up my 2nd round of rx, but found out that they were out of stock. Tech called two other pharmacies and they were out of stock too! Ugh! I don’t have energy for this. Lord, please help.

 3:20p- after little rest I was able to find it at CVS with coupon from goodrx. Thank you Lord.

4:00p- storm rolls through. Too close thunder and lightning roll sounds like boom close to house. Scares me!!! Nerves instantly on edge! Lord keep me safe til the storm passes by!

8:30p- crashed for about 20 minutes. I’m still tired.

9:30p- had Dezirae braid my hair so it’ll be wavy tomorrow. 

10:22p- need to switch to magnesium malate (it helps defeat thrush plus other benefits)

10:45p- feet hurt, legs cramping, hands swollen and achy, eyes bright sensitive, loud noise sensitive, tired but still awake. Feel like I’m forgetting to do something but not remembering. Hmm?

11:36p- skin itches, brain hurts, eyes watery, extra thirsty, hurt all over, tailbone aches, rt hip aching

How does one stop neuropathic itching? Ugh! I just need some sleep please Lord I’m so exhausted.

Jan 24

4:30a- woke thinking I woke up late.

Legs cramping. Headache. Sneezing. Throat dry. 

 Have to take Joe to work bc I need car for sons dental apt. Had fleeting thought of rescheduling but it’s already been rescheduled once before. 

He working at post I’ve not been to before today. Had to use GPS to get home. unfamiliar territory. Almost got lost in parking lot. Just want to cry. Can’t cry need to focus on road hard enough in dark as it is.

7:15a- gonna take a nap. I’m exhausted. Need to get rid of headache.

8:00a headache has eased. Hands & left arm numb and tingly. Tummy gurgling (it has been for a few days now. Not sure what that means). 

10:56a- at dentist office Jordon getting cavity filled. waited (wish I had analog clock) 45 minutes before he was called back…think we’d still be in waiting area if I didn’t ask how much longer. 

Feet freezing, headache easing (took migraine rx), hands swollen and achy, lights bright bother eyes, man playing game/video on his tablet across room is as loud as tv, low back & rt hip aching, neck hurts, wish I could calm the itchies.

1:30p- need to pick Joe up from work. Have kids with me to help navigate. I only remember to certain point. Dezirae remembers most of it. Jordon knows how to retrace steps on GPS on phone. I’m a little nerve wracked about it, but trusting God to help us.

2:08p- I made one wrong turn but we didn’t do tpo bad. A brownish red bird just flew into windshield. Scared me. I saw bird but not expecting it to hit us!  Nerves on edge. I’m tired and feel weak.

2:40p- I just want to cry!!! Our only vehicle just broke down on side of road. The clutch broke. Auto mechanic said it would cost over $1,000 to fix it. We don’t have that kind of $. Lord, what do we do now?

5:03p- Just got car towed to house. Now on way to church for services tonight. Not sure about getting car fixed but I can pray for God to provide.

Mr Tow Truck guy suggested calling around for prices. Mr Transmission on Airport to check price.

Center of chest is turning icy. 

7:21p- Not too familiar with #77 O That Will Be Glory practiced okay but couldn’t keep up during song service ended up plucking one note. Ugh! Forgot how to end song. Ugh! 

Though flustered all’s fairly well considering all the stress that’s going on especially today with car breaking down 


*AN IMPORTANT NOTE:  This blog is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity, or physical condition.  Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual’s acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise.  Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician.  Any links shared are only meant for helping one find additional information discussed in a blog post.

Lightning Strike Memoirs 2019 Jan 7-8

Jan 7

9:00a- having trouble waking up this morning. Alarm was set for 6:30am thought I hit snooze next thing I know it’s 8am. 

Fingers & hands tingly and aching. Congested. Neck hurts.  Feels like I broke a fever sometime during night.

9:00p- No energy today whatsoever. Managed to get sheets washed for my bed. Jordon helped me make it back up. Towels are still in dryer. Made sweet tea. Helped Jordon with his math. Wrote quiz for his computer class. Deposited check at bank. Pick up couple items at dollar store. Make chili (took me couple of hours to get in crockpot this morning -kept getting distracted) & cornbread for dinner.  After all that, I was done for the day.

9:30p- all of sudden had hunger urge – I hardly ever get hungry. Most days I have to be reminded to eat. Strange. Ate two peanut butter cookies with milk. Also ate whole grapefruit. 

Hands and forearms swollen and achy. Feet hurt. Rt hip hurts. Exhausted. Stuffy & congested. Tongue still patchy white. Jordon has cardiology apt. I’m concerned but I’m doubtful it will get us any closer to answer of his blackouts.

Jan 8

6:00a- woke to stinging pain in hands, legs, and feet

7:00a- slight headache. Taking son to cardiology apt this morning. Glad my husband can drive. Interstate makes me anxious. GPS needs to make up its mind. Joe ended up accidentally running red light trying to follow the directions! Gonna give me heart attack. Ugh!

9:00a- Dr apt went well.  Vasovagal Syncope. Dr gave instructions for natural resources. If continues or gets worse, can call and she’ll prescribe rx. Dr very sweet and cordial. Says this is common in teens and he should out grow it. Thank the Lord for simple remedies. 

10:00a- TBI mtg 

Pastor gave devotions on What a Friend we have in Jesus.  

Told Pixie about Bargain Thrift Store. She said she’d never been and would like to meet up with us there afterwards. We did and found some deals. I’m exhausted. Need to go home and rest. Brain hurts. 

5:48p- feel like I’ve been in a fog most of day. Have periodic bouts of feeling extremely weak like I can feel it draining out of me. Very weird feeling.

7:23p- Sweet friend called to chat and check on me, but also needed to talk.   I never mind talking with friends. We shared blessings and prayer requests.

10:10p- I’m exhausted. Hope to fall asleep quickly. It’s been a busy day for me but my heart is at peace with Dr’s diagnosis and it’s a simple, natural fix. Praying God heal him and he out grows it quickly.

Hands swollen and throbbing, upper chest aching, low back aches, toes cold, upper back stinging needle pain, headache, foggy brain, stuffy nose, neck throbbing.

One time today my right arm cracked and it hurt for a while afterward.

Lightning Strike Memoirs 2019 Jan 5-6

Jan 5

7:00a- I’m so tired. Neck hurts, rt hip aches, hands tingly & achy, feet ache, legs hurt & feel like I tried to run a while, stuffy & congested. I am cold.

Strange dream…I lost something important (don’t recall what it was) was  running to find it looking everywhere but it was nowhere to be found.  

7:30a- headache has already set in. Taking rx to get gone. Hands quite swollen. Ring is cutting off the circulation on lft finger. I don’t like not being able to wear my ring.

10:00a- visitation Joe made me stay at church so I wouldn’t overdo it. I’ve been doing that a lot this week. Seems as if I’ve taken two steps backwards. If I could only get the pain to diminish, I could get more things done. 

12:00p- started working on bulletin, Bible certificates, and other things we need for tomorrow. Gonna take most rest of day bc I can only do so much and have to take breaks so it won’t give me headache.

2:00p taking a break to relax in chair in the livingroom. Enjoying hallmark with Dezirae while guys are hunting.  

10:30p finally finished printing last thing we need for tomorrow – at least I think so. Finding that lists are my friend more and more – only struggle to remember where I wrote them. 

I’m tired and hurting.

10:43p attempted to french braid my own hair for first time since injury. Able to do it, but oh the pain! Any time I have to raise my arms it causes great pain in my arms, hands, upper back, shoulders, & neck.  Palms itch. If I could only figure out how to overcome that obstacle, I could get a lot more done. Hair will be wavy for church tomorrow.  🙁  Usually, if I want my hair done, I have to ask for help. 

Lower back aches, feet tingly, hands swollen, achy, & tingly, tongue still patchy white – have to take 2nd dose of flucanazole.  Hurt all over. I’m cold.

Jan 6

6:50a- Woke from strange dream

8:30a- Having rough morning. Parts of me itches like crazy, parts feel like it’s on fire. Bad headache. Severely congested as if having allergy attack. Hands swollen and achy. At least my feet are warm for now. I’m exhausted.

Applied Lavender, Frankincense, coconut oil to itchy skin, took nasal spray, zyrtec, & naproxen. Drinking plexus slim on way to church.

Listening to CD from Lighthouse on way to church. It blesses my soul and calms my spirit. I Bless Your name, Lord! Thank you for all that You are and your mercy on me. Help me to focus on You and all that is eternally important. My suffering will only be temporary for Joy comes in the morning! 

9:39a- Tried to pick up my Bible for prayer time, but my fingers failed me. I couldn’t hold it, dropped it to floor and jammed my thumb. Ouch! 

12:00p- Joe changed up order of services without prior warning. It totally upset me. Hymns – only singing 2 verses instead of three  & cut out a hymn to save time (it happened to be one of hymns better I can play). He decided to show 2018 slides again, bc several members were sick when he showed them last week. He apologized for throwing everyone off. I thought, “Excuse me?  What about your wife who’s having difficulties functioning as it goes most days as it is? Now you’re throwing my routine off in church and I’m suppose to keep my composure and I’m singing the special music next? Lord, help me bc I just want to run away right now.” Apparently, while I was deep in thought, I was giving him the evil eye bc he said something about looking at him that way. And I heard someone say, “I know that look and you’re in trouble” or something like that. 

I thought, “Lord, help me.” 

Got up behind pulpit to sing & temporarily forgot the tune to the song. Ugh! Inside I cried, “Lord, I know You’re there bc I’m about to sing You’re there all the time but how am I gonna do that if I can’t remember how it goes? I made it through the song but not without a few off notes. I hate when I mess up. Sang from heart though. My Lord has been and is there all the time in every trial and circumstance. Thank you, Lord.

12:30p- Joe informed me that he invited a church family to stay and eat lunch with us. I was okay with that. However, the meat some how ended up getting turned on warm instead of high and it would take quite a while for it to be ready. Joe ended up running to local grocery store to pick up some fried chicken to save the day. I enjoyed the fellowship. I was exhausted though and doing my best to hang on. It’s hard to think straight when my brain has been taxed this much.  

4:07p- Crashed around 2pm and slept almost two hours. Waking up from nap I stretched and got a cramp in my upper back. How does that even happen? Not funny. 

7:00p- My husband and I had privilege of explaining the meaning of eternal life with a young girl after church tonight. It’s a joy to share the light of God’s truths.

10:53p- Center of chest hurting, sharp pain in right elbow, rt hand aches. Tired but awake. Bright lights bother eyes. I think I need to get eyes checked at different doctor. My vision seems to be getting blurrier in the distance. Hands are now numb and tingly. Upper body hurts.

“Missing in Action” – Coronavirus hit our home

I apologize for being incognito for a while. I had testing done at the beginning of the month (January 2021). The additional stress from the testing put me down for a few days. I will share information about the testing in a later post.

A week later the coronavirus hit our home which put our family in quarantine for two weeks. I got hit the worse, but am slowly recovering. Thankfully, none of us had to make a hospital trip. A positive note is that we’ve hopefully developed the antibodies.

We took lots of Vitamin C, Zinc, & Echinacea, while staying hydrated. Several friends dropped off soups, stews, and food to help keep us going while quarantining. One friend even bought us a can of disinfectant spray to kill the virus. What a blessing!

I’ve seen several people saying that they did odd projects around the house to utilize the time at home. We must have had a moderate case because none of us had the energy to do much of anything. For us, it was like getting a bad case of the flu – including but not limited to: sinus congestion, cough, fever, headache, lethargy, muscle aches and pains, sore throat, smelling funky smells that aren’t there, etc. It was weird for me because some of those same symptoms I deal with on a regular basis already due to my lightning strike injuries. I am finally starting to feel a little better and am looking forward to working on attempting to catch up on things around the home.

Lightning Strike Memoirs 2019 Jan 3-4

Jan 3

7:25a- I have no idea when I actually fell asleep this morning. I was still awake at 1am when my phone died. Afterwards, I prayed, took deep breaths, sing inside my head (remembered I’m to sing on Sunday and need to pick a song), prayed some more.

Joe scared me awake though I don’t think it was intentional. He couldn’t find something. I dislike being scared awake bc it sets my nerves on fire. Severely congested this morning. Toes tingling. Headache. Legs ache. Rt hip hurts. Fingers tingly more in left than right.

I’m amazed how well the lavender oil is helping the burn on my left thumb. I’ve had it about two weeks or so. I don’t recall how it got there, but it’s really annoying and bothersome. Hope it goes away soon. 

Need to research on pruning and fertilizing roses. Have rose bush at church that has only had one bloom in three years. I usually have no problem getting roses to bloom. Perplexing.

9:17a- so tired. Muscles twitching randomly in lower back and legs. Just only sitting in chase lounge while sipping hot green, peppermint, copabia tea . I’m cold. Cold chills going up spine.

It’s a good day to give thanks to the Lord.

1:00p- took Dezirae to the eye dr to get glasses fixed. Also ordered her another pair.  Afterward, went to the thrift store – on a mission to get supplies for my menu board. Stopped at the grocery store to pick up few items.

4:50p- kids helped me take 90% of Christmas decor down at church. I literally can’t push myself to go anymore. Hands and forearms swollen and burning. Low back throbbing! Upper back aches. Feet hurt & tingly. Brain shutting down. I’m exhausted and feel like I’m gonna pass out. 

5:17p- that was quick nap. Still hurting lots, but need to go eat dinner. I forgot to eat lunch.  It’s in crockpot so easy peasy. I’ve done too much today. I’m done. Ugh!

8:00p- hands swollen and throbbing. Not able to play piano. Joe graciously understood. Thankful that even though he’s tired of me hurting all the time that he still tries to understand. On positive side, I was able to enjoy singing tonight. 

11:04p- this is crazy! My feet are aching and almost feel like they are burning. Hands throbbing. Whole body aches.  How do I get the nervez to calm down a notch? It’s raining tonight. Meteorologist mentioned word “lightning” and my whole body cringed. 

11:10p- stinging pain shooting down rt arm.

Jan 4

5:45a – woke in a sweat. Musles in lower back pulsating. Feet throbbing. Tired. Strange dream.

Reading Bible.

7:45a- able to fall back to sleep for about an hour. 

9:00a- trying new way to do devotions – writing scripture and journaling what it means to me. 

Two reasons: 1st -encourage brain healing – Three Ways That Handwriting with a Pen Positively Affects Your Brain

2nd- encourage deeper relationship with Christ

10:00a- trying to put together menu board project.

11:00a- just now remembering to eat breakfast.

11:30a- all of a sudden I feel very weak. Hands intense nerve-tingling sensation. Headache. Feet cold. 

2:00p- Kids helped me finish Menu board and hang it up. It tickled my heart that they wanted to help me with the project.

2:30p- time to sit for a long while

4:30p- sweet friend sent her husband and son by the house to give us two boxes of food! I just used the last bit of rice for dinner last night and she had a bag of rice in the boxes. Also, just the other day I quickly told the Lord that I’d like to have a bottle of amino acids. She included a large bottle. Thank you, Lord! 

9:30p- sewing trim back on son’s blanket only short piece caused great cramping in upper right arm! Limitations are frustrating. If only I could find someone who could explain it all. It would help me understand things better.

11:52p- seem like last couple of days pain has been worse at times. I don’t understand. 

Muscles cramping and twitching more. Skin itches periodixally but especially at night. Pain seems more intense at night too which in turn keeps me awake. 

Though my pain is great and I sometimes get overwhelmed and frustrated on not knowing how to keep moving forward, I’m thankful for the little blessings (miracles) God sends along the way to let me know He is there all the time.

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