A peek in the window of a lightning survivor….
I have memory loss and have forgotten how to do many things. Knowing that I should know how and forgot is frustrating at times. And there’s no rhyme or reason as to things I can and cannot remember.
For example… I planned a simple dinner meal for tonight – Chicken Veggie Stir Fried Rice. I’ve made it more than a dozen times, yet I simply have forgotten how to do it. Thankfully, there’s the internet & Pintrest that I can quickly look it up.
Then there’s the issue that my upper body strength and stamina have dimishished so much that I have to ask for help stirring after a while because my arms wear out and I start hurting more than I can bear. Or I get side tracked easily and end of forgetting to add certain ingredients or mixing up the directions.
I’m not complaining in the least. Life has been much harder since the anomoly. I am thankful for God’s faithfulness and that His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).
I just figure since my type of injury isn’t studied enough because doctors don’t think it happens enough that maybe allowing others to take a peek at some of my struggles may help others know how to be more supportive with those who struggle with the same type of injuries as I do.
…now if I could only figure out how to publish this to share…