Journal Entries 7.19.17
Thankfully I received good advise to journal my symptoms so I’ve been keeping a journal almost since day one of my lightning strike adventure. I’m still trying to figure out and make sense of this blogging thing. It’s been 15 months since the actual incident and I cannot figure out how to backdate so I’m going to periodically add entries from my journal with the dates of journal notations until at least I catch up to present date. I know some of my entries will have misspellings and incorrect grammar, but I want to show how my mind was processing things as I go.
Journal entry July 19, 2017
Today, I still have the side effects and I feel like I’ve been beat up badly. Praise the Lord I still alive to tell about it. Definitely a scarey episode that I don’t want to repeat anytime ever!
Side effects include: entire left side is still numb and tingly, my brain hurts, I have a massive headache like I’ve never had before. My thoughts are scattered. Why don’t doctors study this out? The lights are so bright that it’s hurting my eyes must wear sunglasses to shade the light even indoors. Why is everything so loud? I’m so tired but I’m having hard time sleeping. I’m glad my kids are older so I don’t have to worry about bottles and changing diapers. My muscles are cramping. Why do I hurt all over? I feel so weak. I just need to sleep this off.