September 1, 2017
I’ve been experiencing a new symptom (icy sensation from inside out in
Trouble focusing, foggy brain, easily distracted, speaking difficulty, sensitive to bright lights, memory trouble, heightened sensitivity of senses, itching, costochondritis flaring up in
Trying to research my symptoms and make sense of it all. Came across this website:
It’s an article about nerve damage and healing. I have no idea the exact extent of my injuries as doctors are just monitoring my symptoms not causes.
September 2, 2017
11:30am – Took pain rx before going out. Able to knock two doors today. Would’ve done a third, but Joe had kids get it. I’m tired, but ok. Headache gone. Right hip still throbbing. Minor dizziness – increases when I move too fast.
2:52pm –Right thigh is cramping. Starting to feel icy sensation from inside out in right hip.
September 3, 2017
Missing Jakob today.
I feel like I’m falling apart and everyone else in my family is too bc I can’t do it.
11:28am –I have the hardest time focusing when I play the piano for church. My right hip hurts so bad! Able to sing “The Lighthouse” for special today. Had Joes stand behind me for support.
11:52am – Sharp random pain in bottom of right foot causing me to jerk. Trouble spelling and typin notes – thank the Lord for spell check.
2:52pm – I hurt so bad right now – pain mainly in lower back. Heart beating hard. I’m exhausted.
I jumped and covered my eyes when a waitress dropped a plate at