September 13, 2017
8:03pm – Headache. Whole body aches. Tired.
1:59pm – Headache. Struggling with focus. Trouble remembering things. I am physically and mentally drained & exhausted! Heart beating hard. Whole body aches.
11:29pm – Still have headache. Tired. Took 2 naps today. Teaching wore me out. Muscles ache. Periodic muscle twitching in legs. Hard to focus. Tripped over words in classes a few times today.
Joe got a job today. He starts tomorrow.
Jakob got assurance. Missing home. He’s going to be okay. Just need pray hard from him to get a job.
September 14, 2017
I have a new appreciation for Lamentations 3:22-23 “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed,…”
7:14am – Massive headache mainly on left side of head. Lights hurt my eyes. Lower back hurts.
I saw spots last night before falling asleep, but I didn’t think about it until now. Ugh!
(7:12) Headon – not working
(7:30) Saline nasel spray – no change
(7:45) Naproxen 500mg – eased slightly
(7:45) Peppermint oil – eased slightly
8:08am – Starting to get icy sensation from inside out in center of chest. (Lasted one hour)
Headache easing slightly. Sharp pain in back between shoulders. Neck hurts. Hypersensitivity to things touching me. Right hip hurts. Ugh!
(8:15) Ice pack – hurts, feels too heavy
(9:43) Drank Cinnamon Coconut Latte – eased a little more
(10:46) Headache has down graded to tension headache – able to start thinking a little better
(4:00) Still have headache. Applied pain relief Blend essential oils to back of neck
(4:00) Headache is gone. YEAH!

7:56p – I love, love, love how the Lord provides little blessings in the midst of our trials!
9:47p – Heart beating hard and fast.
September 15, 2017

Woke up with “His Grace Is Sufficient for Me” song on my mind.
8:36am – Woke up at 4am with all my body parts hurting except my head. Skin hypersensitive – sheet sifted and it felt like bugs crawling on me. Extra sensitive to loud noises. Slightly bloody nose.
12:20pm – Asked Mom to take me to P.O. to mail pkg. Had Dezirae take it in because it was raining. Can’t walk fast and still walking with cane for balance.
Went to the produce market to get veggies. Using buggy to walk with and still have to take breaks of rest.
Went to bank to deposit a check. Forgot I couldn’t deposit check not written to me. Ugh!
Had to sit in car rest of errands because first few errands wipe me out and my right hip and legs were throbbing.