March 25, 2018
Took Melatonin for 1st time last night. Slept 5 hours. Woke because of pain.
Pain level between 6 & 7.
Muscles tingling in arms and hands. Rt hip hurts. Brain foggy causing blurry vision.
Auto immune disorder kicking in…past few days I’ve developed scaley crust on left eye lid. Very painful. Looks like my left eyelid is bruised. Ugh!
Left eye twitching sporadically all week.
10:48 – unexpected bloody nose. I never know when they’re gonna come. I get really weak feeling afterwards…almost to feeling as if I’m going to pass out. Trouble focusing on anything afterwards. Easily distracted. Trouble playing piano…too much background noises…just makes me want to cry.
March 26, 2018
Need to find a new vacuum. I am not able to push the one we have now (Eureka Whirlwind). It is too heavy.
10:29p- Took Melatonin again last night…again only 5 hours of sleep. I need more sleep. Need to heal. I’m tired of hurting. Pain level between a 7 & 8. Tears flowing. Chest hurting. Nerves tingling. Skin Itchez. Little things are irritating me. Trouble conversing. Thoughts mixed up in process of speaking. Hands swollen and throbbing. Head aches lightly. Memory troubl (forgot to take my vitamins. If i take them now I’ll be more wide awake than I already am.