April 13, 2018
7:20a – Woke to crusty eyes. Pins and needles sensation in upper back. Hands swollen and achy. Rt hip throbbing. Stomach hurts. Low back hurts. Eyes watery. Feet hurt. Random muscles twitching in legs.
11:35p- Took me half the day to finish ASL 2 final exam. Felt pretty good getting that done so I decided to try to clean in kitchen some. Cleaned wall by trash can. Upper body started aching and pins and needles poky pain. Had to rest a while…felt exhausted and weak afterwards.
Pain continues to increase. Whole body aches. Hands swollen and ahcy again. Lowe back hurts. Stomach hurts. Pain in center of chest. Cycle started today.
Storm coming. I can feel it in my bones! Took pain rx & muscle relaxer. Hope to sleep some of it off.
April 15, 2018
Woke around 3am due to chest pain being bad and needing to go to bathroom. Had trouble falling back to sleep. Took Naproxen. Helped lower pain to dull ache for quite a while.
Took 30 minute nap around 2pm. Slept hard. Woke again to chest pain being bad.
Other symptoms…severe congestion, sharp pain when breathing deep, exhausted, achy all over, feeling lethargic, stomach hurts, legs ache, feet tingly periodically, upper back aches.