April 1, 2018
It’s Easter Sunday! Thankful He arose from the dead.
Woke up with legs & feet tingly and aching. Headache. Lower back aches. Center of chest hurts. Stomach hurts. Heart beating hard and fast.
11:06 – feet feel cold as ice to me but Joe says they don’t fell cold to him. Eyes watery. Rt hip hurts. Headache. Stomach feels better.
April 2, 2018
Woke up dizzy today. Room spinning. Eyes feel crossed. Began drinking decaffeinated green tea with lemon this morning.
11:33p- Took Mom to Dr today because rt knee throbs. Possible bakers cyst burst or bad sprain. Interesting converstation with Dr. His bro in law was struck by lightning. He lost his hearing in ear he was struck, and doesn’t sweat anymore. Dr asked how my hearing was. Told him it was magnified. Hmm?
Asked if I sweat. Told him I didn’t notice a difference because I don’t sweat much. Interesting?
Told him I deal with pain daily from nerve damage & brain injury. He said I was hit pretty hard then.
Jokingly told me to stay out of the storms. Told him I was indoors and it was sunny outside. He was shocked! Jokingly said the good Lord was trying to get my attention. Said, Maybe so, but He still has a purpose for me because I’m still here. He replied, “You’re right about that one.”
April 3, 2018
Woke at 5:30a. Dizziness gone. Pain level is at about a 3. I can handle that.
4:42 – Took me from 7:30 t0 12:30 to get ASL 2 class info prepped for class tomorrow. Kids kept interrupting and side tracking me. It’s very easy to do these days. Had to tell them to stop. Took time to weed back flower garden and put down cedar mulch. Looks better. Pain level now a 5 or 6. Resting on bed, but I need to get dinner done.