These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. John 15:11
Webster’s dictionary defines joy as “the emotion evoked by wellbeing, success, or good fortune by the prospect of possessing what one desires.” That definition by the world’s standards leaves something lacking; however, Theopedia defines joy as “a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence, and hope.”
The word Joy appears 155 times in the Bible. It appears 82 times in the Old Testament and 73 times in the New Testament. Joy is the keynote of Philippians “Joy in Prayer” (Philippians 1:3-11).
“Joy” and “Rejoice” are repeated multiple times throughout Scripture. Joy is not to be compared to happiness. Happiness is an emotion based on your circumstances. Just like holding your child for the first time or making a final payment on your car or moving into your first home – these things make you happy. As long as things are going well in your life, you are happy. As soon as circumstances are out of our control or things aren’t going just so, we become irritated and disgruntled and lose the emotion of being happy. Joy is being contented in whatsoever state you are in whether it’s good or bad (Philippians 4:11).
Man has an inexplicable desire to seek Joy in all they do. We seek out happiness through all we do. Some seek to climb the ladder of success thinking that if they’ll obtain joy when they reach the top. Some look for joy in seeking out fame, but they find no joy
“Joy isn’t a passing moment of happiness, but rather, an entrenched anchor that keeps our hearts from descending into the deep pit of bitterness, because thankfulness is what keeps us afloat.” True joy is found in having an ongoing relationship with God. It is knowing that our lives originate from the True Vine – Jesus Christ (John 15).