June 4, 2018
8.51a – woke up head still pounding. Rough night. Joe said I was crying at midnight because my head hurt so bad. All I remember is holding his hand because the thunder & lightning was scaring me.
Read an article about how a lot of migraine sufferers are magnesium deficient. The best way to get is into body is Epsom salt bath soak. Joe had bath drawn with 2 cups Espom salt and I soaked for about 30 minutes. It took about an hour, but my migraine is officially gone. PTL! I don’t feel completely better, but I’m heading in right direction.
June 5, 2018
1.28p- Woke tired. Don’t feel well like I’m coming down with something.
8.00p- fell asleep in living room. Joe helped me to bed. Slept until 5.30am
June 6, 2018
6.30 Slept all night but woke up tired. Legs ache. Congested and stuffy. Rt ear aches. Head aches lightly. Sharp periodic stabbing pain in rt abdomen – as if I moved wrong. Hands swollen and tingly. Low back hurts. Neck hurts. Muscles in left leg twitching.
2.46p- Bp 157/107 hr 80 temp 98.8 weight 202
Dr confirmed severe sinus infection and rt ear infection. She said that is what probably initiated the headache. Also, Tylenol Sinus can aggravate and increase the high blood pressure. Hence, reason Dr gave me Nasonex.
My blood pressure is still high (170/120) so they are putting me on a second bp rx. This gal who loathes taking rx has just added three more to her regimen. Ugh!
* I have to remind myself that one day “this too shall pass.”
Antibiotic for sinus infection. Steroid/Pain Rx shot for inflammation & headache. Rx for yeast infection if I get it bc of antibiotics. Checked Bp again lft arm 160/110. Rt arm even higher. Dr conferring with other Dr’s for plan of action due to Bp issues.
Pickles can be trigger for migraine due to salt content.
Clonidine (Bp rx) is ok to keep me out of ER. Zofran for nausceousness. D-A-S-H diet. Trodadol.