Aug 9
9:01a- Very hard to get moving today. My whole body aches and pains horribly. At least I’m not naseous anymore.
It hurts something aweful to cough.
7:00p – My lft eye won’t quit twitching! Ugh! My ears itch like crazy.
11:30p – having trouble swallowing. Almost chocked on my nightly pills
Aug 10
7:49a – hand tingling, neck hurts, backs hurts, eyes watery, toes tingly, headache
Aug 11
6:50a- rough night…had to keep telling Joe to move over. Lower back throbbing, woke up with both hands numb and tingly, rt side hurts.
10:40p – should sleep well tonight. Wore out from days activities. Hands aches, toes frozen. Hands keep jeekinh. Sides cramping and ache
Aug 13
Rt hip hurts, lower back hurts, slight headache. Get dizzy when I get up too fast of move head too fast.
Bp 103/65. Called Dr. Bp possibly too low. Watch for dizziness, lightheadedness, & fainting. Cut bp pill in half. Must take bp daily to keep eye on it.
Forgot to ask which one. Only remember her saying it’s not a big dose. Told her I’m on three different ones.