Aug 1
9.19 Face slightly flushed. Feels like it’s on fire. Headache. Nose is stuffy, but feels like it’s dried out.
Firey sensation is traveling down shoulders and arms.
Aug 2
Nightmares. Muscle in upper left leg twitching heavier than normal. Sharp stabbing pain in rt hip. Chest hurting.
9:00a – Headache is worse. Nose is bloody.
12:00p – Nose decided to gush blood. Ugh
3:00p – Headache has become migraine & I’m cranky. Feeling very weak. Bp up to 174/101
5:00pm – learned bloody noses cam be indication of blood pressure being too high.
11:00p – used petroleum jelly to ease nose discomfort and within 20 minutes I was able blow nose without causing major nosebleed. I’m so tired. Headache easing. Nose sore. Taking Melatonin to see if it’ll help me sleep.
Aug 3
6:30a – up about every two hours…Nightmares but only remember part of one. Eyes twitching fast when I close them. Headache still here, but not as bad. Chest hurts. Keeps popping everytime I turn to side.
7:30a – it’s apparent that my nosebleeds are indications of BP being very elevated. Bp is currently 160/110. Lord, please help lower my bp. I don’t want to go back to hospital..
Nose stuffy & bloody. Eyes watery and burning.
11:30a – took Epsom Salt bath
3:30p – bp still 160/110. Still have a headache. Called Dr’s about taking 2nd bp & which one. Took 2nd relpax pill.
3:40p – remembered I didn’t take the am migraine pill. Took it.
4:11p – nurse called back. Dr said if bp continues to stay up then start taking Clonidine 2x’s daily. Took 2nd pill.