Aug 18
7:00am- intended to get up early, but decided to sleep longer because I was tired and hurting
8:00am- my whole body hurts! Entire back throbbing, rt hip hurts, rt foot hurts, left hand tingly and aching, hands swollen, headache.
10:30am- bp 125/83
Aug 19
5:30a – had trouble sleeping last night…kept hearing noises and couldn’t figure them out. Joe woke me up too early. Ugh!
7:00a- dumb printer giving me fits this morning…keeps jamming and trying to print bulletin on wrong size paper. Took me an hour to get 20 bulletins printed. Frustrating.
Meantime, calves started cramping bc I was standing too long. Upper back stinging needle pain, neck throbbing especially rt side, exhausted.
2:27p – upper & middle back throbbing, rt jaw hurts, left knee periodic stabbing pain which makes me jump. It’s storming outside.
10:21p- abdominal menstrual cramping is intense, burning stinging pain in back, rt ear ringing of an on all afternoon, stuffy nose, feet freezing
Aug 20
My rt hip is throbbing. Rt ear aches pretty bad. Rt side of neck hurts. Head aches. Back aches. Feet & toes hurt. Hands swollen. Ears ringing intermittently. Calves cramping. Chest hurts. Rt elbow throbbing.
5.11p- After
13 months, I think the docs finally found the right med combos to keep my blood
pressure within normal levels.
Last bp check was 123/75. Praise the Lord!
Now to work on my other ailments since my lightning strike anomaly. Pressing on through Christ alone.
10:50p- Sharp stabbing pain shooting through forearms to fingers.