Read this verse during my devotions time yesterday. I immediately began to envision Christ talking to the bones and bringing them back to life.
I imagined a valley of dry bones and Christ standing just above. As He spoke the bones jiggled at little at first as the skin and organs began to form. The more life was restored the more those bones got up and leaped rejoicing before the Lord for the lives that were restored.
Next I remember part of a song I learned as a child and the notes dancing in the sky above them. “…Them bones, them bones, them dry bones now hear the word of the Lord….”
This song and verse has stuck with me ever since. I woke up with idea to create a Scripture art to go with the verse.
Thankful that regardless of our situation there is always hope for new life in Christ! Many times we get weary in the battle and our light begins to dim, but God can regenerate our lives to be a burning light for His glory!