Sept 10
So I found out why neurologist asked me to spell “world” backwards. It’s to test my attention, memory, & cognitive impairment.
Did you know?
There are two types of lightning, negative strikes and positive strikes. Positive strikes are 5 times more powerful than negative strikes.
Sept 11
7:20- had trouble opening eyes this morning almost as if some swollen, hands and fingers were numb, feet hurt, center of chest huring, left temple twitching
2.53 So today…at my TBI mtg, I finally mustered up enough courage to ask for help in pointing me in the right direction with setting up my blog/website because I’m stuck and my brain isn’t comprehending it all. I did my best to explain to the directors of what I wanted to accomplish and why. One of the ladies (I don’t remember her name) offered to ask some of her techy friends if they’d be willing to volunteer to help. Lord willing, I’ll finally pass this hurdle.
Thankful for God’s faithfulness along this journey. It’s definitely been a hard row to hoe. A friend reminded me yesterday of the chorus “My Lord knows the way through the wilderness all I have to do is follow.” In following, I hope that I may be able help other’s along the way.
Evelyn M tagged me with info on Facebook
8:17p- rt eye twitching
8:47p- lft leg muscles twitching
Sept 12
Everything I eat gives me indigestion. Ugh!
Co-op went well but wore me out
Had trouble falling asleep to take nap slept for 30 minutes
5pm- received tr from ssd telling me to contact my dr asap. Concerning. At least it’s not a denial yet.
10:47- low back aches, rt hip hurts, rt upper arm aches, finger tips on both hands tingly. Tired but having trouble falling asleep.