Sept 1
Slept til 10am – that’s unusual for me. Woke with both arms & hands numb, tingly & aching, entire back aching with lower back throbbing, toes feel funny, eyes feel heavy & crusty but there’s none.No gumption to do anything today. Raining off and on most of day. Hurts to move.
Sept 2
Slightly dizzy. Upper back stings like I have a sunburn. Neck hurts. Hands hurt. Feet tingly.
11:30- my watch quit working again. trouble following music. Can’t seem to get my fingers to cooperate. Headache. Eyes feel crossed & blurry. Rt elbow & hand throbbing.
6:15- such difficulty playing piano for church today…eyes & brain feel blurry and crossed…closing eyes I see orange “X” across face. Ugh!
9:00- eyes are burning, congested, coughing
10:00- going to bed not feeling goodLow back aches, rt hip hurts, rt side of back hurts from sneezing, rt elvow throbbing, sneezing, congestion, watery eyes, headache, chest popping, chest aches, rt side of neck hurts…
Sept 3
10:00am- slept for 10 hours last night (1st time since before strike).
10:00pm- In an effort to try to not injure my rt elbow/forearm anymore, I used my left arm more today and injured it in the process! Ugh! I’ll figure things out eventually. Low back hurts, hands hurt, left eye twitched a few times today, center of chest hurts, back of legs hurt, headache, neck rt side hurts