Sept 7
8:00am-I don’t hurt as bad as I thought I would after the stress of two SSI apts yesterday. Ended up taking my time and cleaning up the laundry room.
Earlier in the week, I decided to cook the turkey in the freezer so we’d have meat options since we’re low on meat in our freezer. Really hope my husband can get a deer or two this winter.
12:30pm- Boy, I didn’t think that idea through. I’m only one home after lunch. I haven’t been able to pick up 20lbs since my lightning strike without hurting myself (its causes severe pain later-Costocondritis pain). I guess we’ll find out. It took some effort, but I managed to get it out of fridge and into oven. It’s heavier than I remembered. Had to google how to cook it because I forgot. Ugh! I almost forgot to take out the innards. Oops! If only my memory would cooperate better.
6:00pm- I’m begining to feel the effects of my efforts today. Chest is beginning to throb and so is my right arm & elbow. I also have. Headache.
Sept 8
7:30a woke in great pain. Hard to move. Hands numbish & tingly, very swollen. Rt wrist and arm ache. Neck throbbing. Headache. Feet hurt. Back throbbing. Rt hip aching. Nightmares last night. If I could cry, I would.
Stayed home. Fell back to sleep. Scared awake around 11am by a mower.
I guess I now know not to clean laundry room again anytime soon. Have to figure out how I can managed to get things done without hurting myself.
Sept 9 – no entry