All Things Are Possible

John 4:13-14
Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

Praise God that He can take a seemingly impossible situation and turn it around for His glory!
Look at John 4 the Samaritan woman who believed and led her town to Christ. Or Saul who persecuted the Christians became a convert on the road to Damascus and later became Paul the missionary (Acts 9). Or John Newton who was a vile sinner whom accepted Christ and eventually wrote one of the most loved hymns “Amazing Grace”.
Don’t give up hope on witnessing to and praying for your friends, families, and neighbors.

🎶”But God can do what seems impossible; {YES, HE CAN!!!}
God controls eternity.
My mind can never comprehend it,
But God in heaven cares for me {and He cares for you!}🎶

Lord, may my life be a reflection of You so that my family, friends, and neighbors have no doubt about Your existence, Your power, Your mercy, love, and grace. Give me a vision of the lost as You see them. Give me the courage to touch them with Your saving grace.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Webster defines purity as the quality or state of being pure defines purity as freedom from guilt or the defilement of sin; innocence; as purity of heart or life.

1 Timothy 4:12
Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Purity is holiness in action. It is setting yourself apart for God’s use.
Purity is a life that reflects a heart washed clean by God.
Purity is a life that is wholly devoted to Christ.

Additional Scripture: 1 Timothy 5:2, Psalm 19:8, Acts 20:26, Psalm 24:4, Philippians 4:8. Proverbs 20:9, 1 Timothy 1:5, Proverbs 20:11, Matthew 5:8, Proverbs 21:8, 1 Timothy 3:9, Titus 1:15, James 1:28, James 3:17

Dear Lord, search my heart and cleanse it from every sin. Help me to seek righteousness and not follow after the things of this world. Help me to be an example that others may see Christ.

Hymns of Praise:

  1. Cleanse Me
  2. Fairest Lord Jesus
  3. Jesus Paid It All
  4. Nothing Between
  5. Whiter Than Snow

Journal Entries 2018 Sept 28

Sept 28

7.58a A friend is having headaches from fall at work. Praying for him. Able to give advise yp help.

2.45p Dr apt – Neurology BP 100/81,  hr 74, temp 99.2

My blood pressure is staying in normal range. PTL!

Dr was a little disappointed that I haven’t improved since my last visit. He told me to keep my chin up because I admitted to him that I get frustrated because I’m not able to do what I used to be able to. He says that nerves take a long time to heal. 

Could order nerve conduction study but he didn’t recommend it for me. While I have nerve damage, he believes most of the damage is in my brain from brain damage.  That’s not to say that I don’t experience nerve pain other that in my head. Believe you me I surely do! Most days it’s a 5 or 7, but I’m learning to adapt and admitting more that I need help. Admitted that my type of injury isn’t studied enough and though our technology has advanced there really isn’t any tests that would help in my case. 

If memory serves me correctly, he said I could walk and do stretches. That’s progress on Dr’s part because before I was told to just live everyday life. That isn’t good enough for me – I need to get at a better level. I want to keep fighting and learning if for no other reason but to help others.

Numbness and tingling in hands, memory loss, headache, brain fog, toes tingly & cold, neck really hurts like I have a knot in it).

I’ll keep researching as I’m able and taking notes along the way (so I’ll remember it later)  🙂

Journal Entries 2018 Sept 25-27

Sept 25

TBI / Brain Game: Verbal Fluency – I didn’t do too good.

Dezirae made me a homemade butterfinger ice cream pie. Yummy! 

A sweet friend surprised me today with flowers! Thank you!

Sometimes this is hard to do especially when you’re in the midst of a storm.

Until God....jpg

Sept 26

Having half decent day. Body aches, but it’s raining. 

Eyes beginning to get blurry. Sensitive to lights. 

10:25p- woken up to go to bed after crashing around 7:30p  I’m so exhausted and hurt horribly all over. I feel like I was beat up. My feet are freezing! I’m cold, but body is hot to touch. Indigestion bad. I hurt almost to tears.

PS. Joe got a new job today. He starts tomorrow. Have some expenses for his new job (twic card, black shoes, etc)

Sept 27

8:30a- woke in much pain all over body; hard to move, hands, arms & feet numb & tingling, headache

10:15- chiro apt – roller table irritating to lower back

4:27p- still in much pain, lethargic, no energy

4:45p- joe suggested I drnk coffee. I did with D.E. it did nothin for me.

Journal Entries 2018 Sept 22-24

Sept 22

9:00a- woke up late. My whole body aches all over. Hard to move. Hands swollen and achy. Feet tingly. Stabbing pain in rt side just above hip.  Neck throbbing. Head hurts.   

10:00a- burning sensation in throat and down chest after swallowing vitamins/rx & deep chest cough

12:49a- rt ear ringing

Sept 23

7:00a- took me hours to fall asleep. Finally took melatonin around 1:30am

I hurt horribly all over…hard to move. Feel like crying. Don’t feel right. Malaise.

10:00a rt ear ringing

12:00p still feel yucky

5:50p rt eye spazing. Hard to focus. Lasted for good 20-30 minutes.

9:43p – feels like somethings not right with me (more than the “normal” lightning strike symptoms) general malaise, weaker than usual, lethargic 

Going to bed earlier than usual…hope to feel better in morning. Immune roller blend applied I did to feet.

Sept 24

Current symptoms

Facial spasms – lft eye randomly twitching. Rt eye spazing enough to close eye. Both are bothersome.

Digestive upset – random hiccups progressively worse, indigestion after eveything I eat, spasmodic coughing

Muscle weakness – unable to raise arms above shoulder without causing much pain and soreness 

Journal Entries 2018 Sept 19-21

Sept 19

6:50- Woke up aching all over. 

11:30 – head aches

1:00p- bad headache, vision blurry, information overload, brain foggy need rx & rest

11:19p- Can’t sleep. Headache eased slightly but not enough to not bother me. Muscles randomly spazing. Legs, arms, & belly itch. Calves throbbing. Random stabbing itchy pain causing me to jerk.

Difficulty swallowing causing me to choke on most things I eat. Just about everything causes indigestion. Frequently choking on food. Often hurts to swallow.

Sept 20

7:00a- back pain pulsating likke a toothache. Rt hip throbbing! Headache! Neck throbbing.

10:00p- had a meltdown tonight. Managed to hold it together somewhat until going to bed. Frustrated. People cracking jokes while I was playing offertory easily distracting me from the music. I kept messing up. I tried to hush them, but it didn’t work. Next time…I’m just gonna stop. 

Sept 21

Mom & Dezirae permed my hair today. I like the perm, but Im so tired from it. My back is throbbing, my rt ear aches, hands ache, head hurts

Able to get two loads of laundry done today, but not much else. No energy even after drinking a plexus slim. Ugh!

Journal entries 2018 Sept 16-18

Sept 16

7:00a- woke on stomach hands not numb but whole back is throbbing. Joe said that during the night I acted as though something was crawling all over me and trying to get it off. Hed ask me what’s wrong. I’d say nothing.

10:00a- left eye twitching

11:00a- headache

11:21p- at one point today my rt leg felt as is it was being strangled and losing life. Random sharp stabing pain in legs today. Random ear ringing. Neck hurts. Headache. Brain fog & blurred vision. Low back throbbing. Chest aching. Exhausted but still awake.

Sept 17

7:30a-Woke to sweating like crazy, back aches, eyes hard to open, feet hurt, arms ache. Strange dream…dreamt I went for walk and got lost. In my dream, I began noticing colors so vivid I had never seen before a spider spinning a golden web, swan on deep blue river with sapphire gem in middle of head, rainbow in ocean full of colorful creatures.

8:00a- mild bloody nose, feeling weak

1:00p- sneezed and bloody nose gushed

10:00p- bad headache. Bp 119/81. Neck hurts

Sept 18

Indigestion is a daily thing now no matter what I eat or drink.  Discovered rash on belly today. I was itching it earlier without knowing it was there. Headaches. Whole body aches from doing too much today. 

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