Sept 16
7:00a- woke on stomach hands not numb but whole back is throbbing. Joe said that during the night I acted as though something was crawling all over me and trying to get it off. Hed ask me what’s wrong. I’d say nothing.
10:00a- left eye twitching
11:00a- headache
11:21p- at one point today my rt leg felt as is it was being strangled and losing life. Random sharp stabing pain in legs today. Random ear ringing. Neck hurts. Headache. Brain fog & blurred vision. Low back throbbing. Chest aching. Exhausted but still awake.
Sept 17
7:30a-Woke to sweating like crazy, back aches, eyes hard to open, feet hurt, arms ache. Strange dream…dreamt I went for walk and got lost. In my dream, I began noticing colors so vivid I had never seen before a spider spinning a golden web, swan on deep blue river with sapphire gem in middle of head, rainbow in ocean full of colorful creatures.
8:00a- mild bloody nose, feeling weak
1:00p- sneezed and bloody nose gushed
10:00p- bad headache. Bp 119/81. Neck hurts
Sept 18
Indigestion is a daily thing now no matter what I eat or drink. Discovered rash on belly today. I was itching it earlier without knowing it was there. Headaches. Whole body aches from doing too much today.