Sept 25
TBI / Brain Game: Verbal Fluency – I didn’t do too good.
Dezirae made me a homemade butterfinger ice cream pie. Yummy!
A sweet friend surprised me today with flowers! Thank you!
Sometimes this is hard to do especially when you’re in the midst of a storm.

Sept 26
Having half decent day. Body aches, but it’s raining.
Eyes beginning to get blurry. Sensitive to lights.
10:25p- woken up to go to bed after crashing around 7:30p I’m so exhausted and hurt horribly all over. I feel like I was beat up. My feet are freezing! I’m cold, but body is hot to touch. Indigestion bad. I hurt almost to tears.
PS. Joe got a new job today. He starts tomorrow. Have some expenses for his new job (twic card, black shoes, etc)
Sept 27
8:30a- woke in much pain all over body; hard to move, hands, arms & feet numb & tingling, headache
10:15- chiro apt – roller table irritating to lower back
4:27p- still in much pain, lethargic, no energy
4:45p- joe suggested I drnk coffee. I did with D.E. it did nothin for me.