Sept 28
7.58a A friend is having headaches from fall at work. Praying for him. Able to give advise yp help.
2.45p Dr apt – Neurology BP 100/81, hr 74, temp 99.2
My blood pressure is staying in normal range. PTL!
Dr was a little disappointed that I haven’t improved since my last visit. He told me to keep my chin up because I admitted to him that I get frustrated because I’m not able to do what I used to be able to. He says that nerves take a long time to heal.
Could order nerve conduction study but he didn’t recommend it for me. While I have nerve damage, he believes most of the damage is in my brain from brain damage. That’s not to say that I don’t experience nerve pain other that in my head. Believe you me I surely do! Most days it’s a 5 or 7, but I’m learning to adapt and admitting more that I need help. Admitted that my type of injury isn’t studied enough and though our technology has advanced there really isn’t any tests that would help in my case.
If memory serves me correctly, he said I could walk and do stretches. That’s progress on Dr’s part because before I was told to just live everyday life. That isn’t good enough for me – I need to get at a better level. I want to keep fighting and learning if for no other reason but to help others.
Numbness and tingling in hands, memory loss, headache, brain fog, toes tingly & cold, neck really hurts like I have a knot in it).
I’ll keep researching as I’m able and taking notes along the way (so I’ll remember it later) 🙂