Lightning Strike Memoirs 2019 Jan 1-2

Jan 1

1:00a- Happy New Year. Only resolution made so far is to read Bible through. I need to contemplate on any others. Used to make goals of reading amount books but reading is difficult for me right now. I do want to learn how to get at a better plateau of health for me. I’m not satisfied with just learning to adapt and just live everyday life. I need – no – want –  no – desire to get better so I can be a better person all around.

Every fiber of my being hurts! Hands hurt (pins-n-needles) & swollen, rt elbow throbbing, forearms ache, low back throbbing, calves cramping, shins hurt, feet ache, slight headache, rt ear hurts, eyes hurt. 

Diffused Lavendar oil in my room & sprayed Lavender oil recipe on pillows. It helps. 

Each day is a miracle. Thankful the Lord’s mercies are new every morning. Looking forward to a great year in 2019. I pray that my journey continues to move forward in a positive direction.   

5:32a- Muscles are twitching and spazing thru body. It hurts to move. Headache. I’m not going without my vitamins again any time soon!  I just pray they take effect quickly to ease this pain! I’m hurting to tears!  🙁 

Taking muscle relaxer 1/2 pill & pain rx.

Joe not realize that I have dwindled amount down to 8 or 9 vitamins/supplements besides prescriptions. I think 4 or 5. I only take 2-3 regularly the others as needed. He thought I was still taking 21 vitamins a day. That’s too many and I got tired of taking that may so I kept researching and experimenting to find minimal amount I could take, best times to take,  interactions with other medicines and vitamins. There’s a neat website called that you can plug in info to find out which drugs, otc’s or herbal supplements interact with each other. 

Some vitamins I had to learn about thru trial and error. Like Ashwagandha. It’s a good herb for boosting immunity, lowering stress, protecting the brain, increase energy, among other benefits. In my experience though, every time I took it it made me sick to my stomach. I don’t know why, but I’m one of the few who cannot take it. 

7:00a- woke with my hands and arms numb. Whole body hurts. 

9:30a- decided to work on project to help me with making meal planning easier. Took me most of day trying to figure things out. Able to use laminator I got for Christmas. 

1:00p- had to take break. Feel headache coming on. Eyes & brain getting foggy. 

1:30p- tongue feeling weird and hurts. Feels like popcorn kernel scratching back of throat right side. Can’t get it to shake loose. Tried brushing tongue but made it worse bc tongue started to bleed. 

5:00p had dinner at parents’ house. Played Apples to Apples. It’s nice game but doesn’t keep my interest.

9:30p- tongue feels worse and like its swelling. Looked at tongue in mirror. Back of tongue has several raised bumps and is foggy white. Bumps on rt side more prominent. Joe told me to take Benadryl to see if that helps. 

Low & mid back throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. 

11:59p- still wide awake. Stinging needle pain in hands, arms, and feet. Neck hurts, 

Jan 2 

7:00a- Woke from bad dream (too aweful to speak what I recall expect I was on run bc someone was trying to kill me). Hands and forearms numb and tingly. Upper back aches. Still tired and sleepy. Back itches. Neck hurts. Upper chest hurts. Calves ache. Muscles in legs twitching.  Headache. I think I’ll rest a little longer.

Checked for meds that cause peripheral neuropathy. I’m not taking any of those listed.

Vitamin deficiency…

9:36a- trying to research exercises to help me. Been told that yoga could help, but I’m leary bc of cult ingrained in the exercise. Tried the child’s resting pose. Holy cow! That made my inner thighs, back, and arms hurt. Gonna be much more challenging than I thought. 

Reclined Big Toe Pose- only able to hold for 15 seconds. Ouch!

Eye of the Needle – I don’t think so

9:45a- decided to work on my meal planning project again. Got down to last card and my computer hiccuped and I lost everything. Oh, the horror! I had to redo it all again. Not fun – it’s difficult as it is in first place. Used it as lesson for kids to save, save, save as you go. 2nd page took me until just before Joe came home at 2:30p. I now have another migraine! Took rx. Wearing my glasses some while on computer seems to help a little but it’s also frustrating bc I don’t need them for close up. Really need new glasses too bc there scratched up but I’m not complaining.

Had kids take down Christmas decor while I worked on my project. I let Dezirae use laminator after I was able to print the cards today. I still have 10+ cards to print out. Little by little inch by inch.

Today was National Buffet Day. Who knew? Not me apparently. I found out from email from Cici’s pizza. Got coupon for Buy1Get1 adult buffet free. Yeah! I was actually craving buffalo chicken pizza. We went for dinner. 

Got to talk to Bubba today. God please help keep his eyes on the end goal. I’m concerned about him. Please protect him and help keep him on straight and narrow path.

7:00p- had to get prescription rx for thrush. Got thrush from taking Cipro for sinus & ear infection. I guess my immunity is out of wack. I’ve doubled my probiotics to help. I’ve been swishing with coconut oil in mouth, but it’s not getting better so I felt like I needed extra help.  Publix Pharmacist and one tech was pleasantly surprised to see me. They know my story. They were happy to see I was walking behind a buggy. I showed them my tongue. The tech said, “You poor thing.” I replied, “I guess it stems from my lightning strike and it’s just messed up my whole system, but I’ll work through it.” We talked a little more while checking out. I don’t like having to buy pharmaceutical rx, but I like that they show concern and are glad to see you. I pray I can find a Dr this year that will be the same way not bc they’re making money but truly wants to see me get better. In God’s timing.

My lower back is throbbing. A couple times or so my left leg and foot went numb for no apparent reason. My feet ache. Headache is easing. Lower legs ache. Muscles twitching randomly only a few times today. Supplements are working. So thristy today. 

Gotta take my daughter to get her glasses fixed tomorrow. She messed them up accidentally last week.  Hard to believe her birthday is in couple weeks. Gotta figure out what I’m gonna do & write it down so I don’t forget.  

Wish I could figure out how to play music on my phone while I’m doing something else. It’s like Greek to me. Doesn’t compute.  

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