Lightning Strike Memoirs 2019 Jan 3-4

Jan 3

7:25a- I have no idea when I actually fell asleep this morning. I was still awake at 1am when my phone died. Afterwards, I prayed, took deep breaths, sing inside my head (remembered I’m to sing on Sunday and need to pick a song), prayed some more.

Joe scared me awake though I don’t think it was intentional. He couldn’t find something. I dislike being scared awake bc it sets my nerves on fire. Severely congested this morning. Toes tingling. Headache. Legs ache. Rt hip hurts. Fingers tingly more in left than right.

I’m amazed how well the lavender oil is helping the burn on my left thumb. I’ve had it about two weeks or so. I don’t recall how it got there, but it’s really annoying and bothersome. Hope it goes away soon. 

Need to research on pruning and fertilizing roses. Have rose bush at church that has only had one bloom in three years. I usually have no problem getting roses to bloom. Perplexing.

9:17a- so tired. Muscles twitching randomly in lower back and legs. Just only sitting in chase lounge while sipping hot green, peppermint, copabia tea . I’m cold. Cold chills going up spine.

It’s a good day to give thanks to the Lord.

1:00p- took Dezirae to the eye dr to get glasses fixed. Also ordered her another pair.  Afterward, went to the thrift store – on a mission to get supplies for my menu board. Stopped at the grocery store to pick up few items.

4:50p- kids helped me take 90% of Christmas decor down at church. I literally can’t push myself to go anymore. Hands and forearms swollen and burning. Low back throbbing! Upper back aches. Feet hurt & tingly. Brain shutting down. I’m exhausted and feel like I’m gonna pass out. 

5:17p- that was quick nap. Still hurting lots, but need to go eat dinner. I forgot to eat lunch.  It’s in crockpot so easy peasy. I’ve done too much today. I’m done. Ugh!

8:00p- hands swollen and throbbing. Not able to play piano. Joe graciously understood. Thankful that even though he’s tired of me hurting all the time that he still tries to understand. On positive side, I was able to enjoy singing tonight. 

11:04p- this is crazy! My feet are aching and almost feel like they are burning. Hands throbbing. Whole body aches.  How do I get the nervez to calm down a notch? It’s raining tonight. Meteorologist mentioned word “lightning” and my whole body cringed. 

11:10p- stinging pain shooting down rt arm.

Jan 4

5:45a – woke in a sweat. Musles in lower back pulsating. Feet throbbing. Tired. Strange dream.

Reading Bible.

7:45a- able to fall back to sleep for about an hour. 

9:00a- trying new way to do devotions – writing scripture and journaling what it means to me. 

Two reasons: 1st -encourage brain healing – Three Ways That Handwriting with a Pen Positively Affects Your Brain

2nd- encourage deeper relationship with Christ

10:00a- trying to put together menu board project.

11:00a- just now remembering to eat breakfast.

11:30a- all of a sudden I feel very weak. Hands intense nerve-tingling sensation. Headache. Feet cold. 

2:00p- Kids helped me finish Menu board and hang it up. It tickled my heart that they wanted to help me with the project.

2:30p- time to sit for a long while

4:30p- sweet friend sent her husband and son by the house to give us two boxes of food! I just used the last bit of rice for dinner last night and she had a bag of rice in the boxes. Also, just the other day I quickly told the Lord that I’d like to have a bottle of amino acids. She included a large bottle. Thank you, Lord! 

9:30p- sewing trim back on son’s blanket only short piece caused great cramping in upper right arm! Limitations are frustrating. If only I could find someone who could explain it all. It would help me understand things better.

11:52p- seem like last couple of days pain has been worse at times. I don’t understand. 

Muscles cramping and twitching more. Skin itches periodixally but especially at night. Pain seems more intense at night too which in turn keeps me awake. 

Though my pain is great and I sometimes get overwhelmed and frustrated on not knowing how to keep moving forward, I’m thankful for the little blessings (miracles) God sends along the way to let me know He is there all the time.

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