Lightning Strike Memoirs 2019 Jan 5-6

Jan 5

7:00a- I’m so tired. Neck hurts, rt hip aches, hands tingly & achy, feet ache, legs hurt & feel like I tried to run a while, stuffy & congested. I am cold.

Strange dream…I lost something important (don’t recall what it was) was  running to find it looking everywhere but it was nowhere to be found.  

7:30a- headache has already set in. Taking rx to get gone. Hands quite swollen. Ring is cutting off the circulation on lft finger. I don’t like not being able to wear my ring.

10:00a- visitation Joe made me stay at church so I wouldn’t overdo it. I’ve been doing that a lot this week. Seems as if I’ve taken two steps backwards. If I could only get the pain to diminish, I could get more things done. 

12:00p- started working on bulletin, Bible certificates, and other things we need for tomorrow. Gonna take most rest of day bc I can only do so much and have to take breaks so it won’t give me headache.

2:00p taking a break to relax in chair in the livingroom. Enjoying hallmark with Dezirae while guys are hunting.  

10:30p finally finished printing last thing we need for tomorrow – at least I think so. Finding that lists are my friend more and more – only struggle to remember where I wrote them. 

I’m tired and hurting.

10:43p attempted to french braid my own hair for first time since injury. Able to do it, but oh the pain! Any time I have to raise my arms it causes great pain in my arms, hands, upper back, shoulders, & neck.  Palms itch. If I could only figure out how to overcome that obstacle, I could get a lot more done. Hair will be wavy for church tomorrow.  🙁  Usually, if I want my hair done, I have to ask for help. 

Lower back aches, feet tingly, hands swollen, achy, & tingly, tongue still patchy white – have to take 2nd dose of flucanazole.  Hurt all over. I’m cold.

Jan 6

6:50a- Woke from strange dream

8:30a- Having rough morning. Parts of me itches like crazy, parts feel like it’s on fire. Bad headache. Severely congested as if having allergy attack. Hands swollen and achy. At least my feet are warm for now. I’m exhausted.

Applied Lavender, Frankincense, coconut oil to itchy skin, took nasal spray, zyrtec, & naproxen. Drinking plexus slim on way to church.

Listening to CD from Lighthouse on way to church. It blesses my soul and calms my spirit. I Bless Your name, Lord! Thank you for all that You are and your mercy on me. Help me to focus on You and all that is eternally important. My suffering will only be temporary for Joy comes in the morning! 

9:39a- Tried to pick up my Bible for prayer time, but my fingers failed me. I couldn’t hold it, dropped it to floor and jammed my thumb. Ouch! 

12:00p- Joe changed up order of services without prior warning. It totally upset me. Hymns – only singing 2 verses instead of three  & cut out a hymn to save time (it happened to be one of hymns better I can play). He decided to show 2018 slides again, bc several members were sick when he showed them last week. He apologized for throwing everyone off. I thought, “Excuse me?  What about your wife who’s having difficulties functioning as it goes most days as it is? Now you’re throwing my routine off in church and I’m suppose to keep my composure and I’m singing the special music next? Lord, help me bc I just want to run away right now.” Apparently, while I was deep in thought, I was giving him the evil eye bc he said something about looking at him that way. And I heard someone say, “I know that look and you’re in trouble” or something like that. 

I thought, “Lord, help me.” 

Got up behind pulpit to sing & temporarily forgot the tune to the song. Ugh! Inside I cried, “Lord, I know You’re there bc I’m about to sing You’re there all the time but how am I gonna do that if I can’t remember how it goes? I made it through the song but not without a few off notes. I hate when I mess up. Sang from heart though. My Lord has been and is there all the time in every trial and circumstance. Thank you, Lord.

12:30p- Joe informed me that he invited a church family to stay and eat lunch with us. I was okay with that. However, the meat some how ended up getting turned on warm instead of high and it would take quite a while for it to be ready. Joe ended up running to local grocery store to pick up some fried chicken to save the day. I enjoyed the fellowship. I was exhausted though and doing my best to hang on. It’s hard to think straight when my brain has been taxed this much.  

4:07p- Crashed around 2pm and slept almost two hours. Waking up from nap I stretched and got a cramp in my upper back. How does that even happen? Not funny. 

7:00p- My husband and I had privilege of explaining the meaning of eternal life with a young girl after church tonight. It’s a joy to share the light of God’s truths.

10:53p- Center of chest hurting, sharp pain in right elbow, rt hand aches. Tired but awake. Bright lights bother eyes. I think I need to get eyes checked at different doctor. My vision seems to be getting blurrier in the distance. Hands are now numb and tingly. Upper body hurts.

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