Lightning Strike Memoirs 2019 Jan 7-8

Jan 7

9:00a- having trouble waking up this morning. Alarm was set for 6:30am thought I hit snooze next thing I know it’s 8am. 

Fingers & hands tingly and aching. Congested. Neck hurts.  Feels like I broke a fever sometime during night.

9:00p- No energy today whatsoever. Managed to get sheets washed for my bed. Jordon helped me make it back up. Towels are still in dryer. Made sweet tea. Helped Jordon with his math. Wrote quiz for his computer class. Deposited check at bank. Pick up couple items at dollar store. Make chili (took me couple of hours to get in crockpot this morning -kept getting distracted) & cornbread for dinner.  After all that, I was done for the day.

9:30p- all of sudden had hunger urge – I hardly ever get hungry. Most days I have to be reminded to eat. Strange. Ate two peanut butter cookies with milk. Also ate whole grapefruit. 

Hands and forearms swollen and achy. Feet hurt. Rt hip hurts. Exhausted. Stuffy & congested. Tongue still patchy white. Jordon has cardiology apt. I’m concerned but I’m doubtful it will get us any closer to answer of his blackouts.

Jan 8

6:00a- woke to stinging pain in hands, legs, and feet

7:00a- slight headache. Taking son to cardiology apt this morning. Glad my husband can drive. Interstate makes me anxious. GPS needs to make up its mind. Joe ended up accidentally running red light trying to follow the directions! Gonna give me heart attack. Ugh!

9:00a- Dr apt went well.  Vasovagal Syncope. Dr gave instructions for natural resources. If continues or gets worse, can call and she’ll prescribe rx. Dr very sweet and cordial. Says this is common in teens and he should out grow it. Thank the Lord for simple remedies. 

10:00a- TBI mtg 

Pastor gave devotions on What a Friend we have in Jesus.  

Told Pixie about Bargain Thrift Store. She said she’d never been and would like to meet up with us there afterwards. We did and found some deals. I’m exhausted. Need to go home and rest. Brain hurts. 

5:48p- feel like I’ve been in a fog most of day. Have periodic bouts of feeling extremely weak like I can feel it draining out of me. Very weird feeling.

7:23p- Sweet friend called to chat and check on me, but also needed to talk.   I never mind talking with friends. We shared blessings and prayer requests.

10:10p- I’m exhausted. Hope to fall asleep quickly. It’s been a busy day for me but my heart is at peace with Dr’s diagnosis and it’s a simple, natural fix. Praying God heal him and he out grows it quickly.

Hands swollen and throbbing, upper chest aching, low back aches, toes cold, upper back stinging needle pain, headache, foggy brain, stuffy nose, neck throbbing.

One time today my right arm cracked and it hurt for a while afterward.

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