Lightning Strike Memoirs 2019 Jan 9-10

Jan 9

8:00a- slept a little longer than 6 hours. Good. Hands & arms numb & tingling. Low back throbbing. Legs crampy.

8:32p- I am exhausted. Needed to balance checkbook and pay some bills. Ended up trying to collect info for filing taxes. Got myself confused. Took me four hours and a headache.

Also had to go grocery shopping. New menu board is helping. Thank goodness. Dezirae helped me shop. By time we were done, I felt like I was gonna pass out & hurt all over.

Joe & Dezirae helped bring in groceries while I started putting them away. Dezirae helped finish put items away and then I started working on dinner.  

A simple meal (Chicken pot pie, sweet potatoes, & cherry crisp) took me two hours to fix bc I was moving slower than normal due to exhaustion and pain. I wasn’t even hungry by the time it was ready. I even forgot to eat lunch. 

9:56p- tongue has been bothering me most of day. Just looked at it in mirror.  Looks like lesions forming again and it’s covered in white! Ugh! 

Asked question on Facebook. Two responses: geographic tongue or thrush

Jan 10

7:30a- having trouble waking. Muscles cramping everywhere. Cotton mouth. Fingers numb & tingly. Left ear ringing. Neck hurts. It hurts to move. 

9:43a- I am so tired. No energy.

11:54a- Periodic chills throughout day, legs feel heavy & crampy. Trying to get kids grades together to turn in for second quarter. I keep confusing myself on subject and what quizzes were taken & when. Thought I was behind on Jordon’s Science quizzes, but ended up working ahead couple of weeks. Not a bad thing in my state of mind. I have one more subject for him & then I can concentrate on Dezirae. She won’t be as hard -I think- bc she’s not in high school yet.

4:00p- called an made Dr apt for tomorrow at 2pm. Tongue is bothering me. Neck is throbbing rt side. Headache. Tired & no umpf. 

10:29p- Really messing up my words, phrases, etc tonight. Had family in stitches. I’m not even comprehending what I messed up. Whatever I said, one of my kids asked if I needed a lightbulb. I just rolled with it and claimed, “Oh, the abuse I get from my own family. There’s no safe place to run. Oh!” They cracked up even more.

At least we can still have fun together even if it’s at my experience. LOL!

Chest is bothering me tonight. It hurts to laugh. I told Joe don’t make me laugh your hurting me. It was too late anyway bc they were already laughing over what I messed up on that was so funny.

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