Struck By Lightning Journal Entry

2019 Jan 13-14

Jan 13

6:00a- woke to hands, wrists, ankles, & feet throbbing! Muscles in calves twitching. I’d video tape but can’t see inside my legs. Low back throbbing. Slow going this morning. Hard to get motivated to move when you hurt so much.

1:35p- I’m exhausted cannot push myself more.  Need to take nap. Laying down in nursery.

10:54p- I’m exhausted and hurting all over. It’s been a good day in the Lord’s house. Feet are freezing. Have heating pad on them to warm up. Itchy skin. Calves cramping. Chest hurts. Fingers ache. Hands & wrists swollen. Eyes watery. Congested. Stuffy nose. Feet freezing but perspiring. I don’t get that one. Tongue still covered…actually looks worse than Friday.’s-phenomenon

Jan 14

8:52a- having such a hard time waking up like I took sleeping pill or something (only took 3mg melatonin). Not like I haven’t tried…been trying since 6:30a. Whole body aches. Fingers tingling. Lower back aches. Neck hurts to move very far.

12:00p- just tracing three hearts for church bulletin board made me feel cross-eyed and dizzy. Time for break.

12:40p- traced other four hearts and laminated them. Need to make tea. 

1:30p- started making ramen soup but got side tracked organizing pantry. Tried to pick up two glass containers but lost grip and they clanged. Brown sugar jar broke! Kids jumped into help as soon as I asked for help. Transferred to empty container only lost a little. 

Had to have Jordon adjust shelf to depth I wanted. Couldn’t figure out or budge shelf to adjust it. Taking more effort than I planned.

2:50p- just realized I forgot to plug in crockpot for supper tonight! Ugh! 

3:00p- finally sitting down to eat lunch (my soup). I’m exhausted. Could’ve stayed in bed all day the way I’m feeling. Had goal to get pantry reorganized today and wanted to get it done. Took me several hours, but it’s almost done. Have to get one of kids to sweep floor. Time to rest again.  

5:00p- Crashed for I don’t know how long. Decided to get up and go put away some laundry. Ended up hanging Joe’s suits with matching shirts & ties. One load of laundry folded on bed. Arms hurt so bad!!!  Have to rest a bit to put clothes away.  Didn’t used to be this way. Learning my new limitations has been a chore. One day I’ll figure it out. 

7:55 face feels hot & flushed. Chills down back starting at base of neck.

Having trouble speaking – slurring words

10:39a- Added Vitamin C 1000mg 2x daily to boost immune system. I just realized that I haven’t had a headache all day. It’s been a long time since I could say that. Thank you, Lord! 

Positive Note

“It is always possible to be thankful for what is given rather than to complain about what is not given. One or the other becomes a habit of life.”  -Elisabeth Elliot

We can’t control all the adversities in life, but we can trust God to guide us through them.

1 Peter 5:7 – Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Doesn’t that give you a wonderful peace knowing that there is a God in Heaven that cares about you?

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