Struck By Lightning Journal Entry

2019 Jan 15-16

Jan 15

4:00p – went to pick up Dezirae’s glasses. Needed to get 9v battery. Decided to go to Wal-Mart so I could get milk & laundry sent booster. Knew I didn’t have cash and needed to use bank card. 

Unable to pull out shopping cart. Had Dezirae help. Legs & feet started throbbing while walking behind cart. Legs begin feeling like lead balloons. Went to check out and discovered that I didn’t have checkbook. Ugh! Had to go home & get it. Decided to go to Dollar store instead.

5:30p back home. Dezirae helped with dinner. So thankful. Steak tips & gravy over mashed potatoes & corn. Yummy!

Guys worked on putting shelf back in Dezirae’s closet. 

6:00p- I finally have Jordon’s 2nd quarter grades done. Now to document Dezirae’s. They’re due on Friday. I feel like I’m late bc I used to have them done within days of quarter ending. Hard for me to stay on top of things now. 

6:45p- took shower. Arms started throbbing while washing hair. I’m still not able to lift arms over heart very long my arms throbbing horribly. I don’t comprehend it. Dr’s don’t seem to understand. Still seaking out answers. Wore out. 

10:19p- I think I’m beginning to feel a little better. Had periods of clarity of thought today. Still get disctracted easily. It amused Dezirae (trying to drain juice from vegetable broth I made, but ended up doing something else. Veggie scraps sat in strainer for a while til I got back around to it when I saw it sitting in sink & Dezirae pointed it out to me). I don’t recall what distracted me. Oh, I think I still have load of clothes sitting in washer. Oh, well.  Oh, no! I forgot to order Dezirae’s birthday cake. I’ll have to do that tomorrow for sure.

Tongue still looks aweful to me. Joe said he thought it’s looking better. It’s getting easier to swallow. I’ve been eating soft foods & limiting sugary foods. Still have several days of yucky rx to swish & swallow.

Legs & feet ache, arms sore like I worked out (which I’m obviously unable to do right now – a one point 6 something gallon laundry soap container is hard for me to hold without dropping right now), hands and wrists swollen & aching, neck hurts – not able to move it too far without causing pain like a crick in neck, rt ear ringing periodically, inner rt ear itches once in a while. Postives – 2nd day without major headache.  

Joe told me I wasn’t suppose to rinse mouth out with water after using rx. Just looked it up. He’s right. I’m not taking it right at all. Ugh! I told pharmacist I had not taken before. Internet says something different than I remember being told. Frustrating! 

There’s always tomorrow to start taking it right. Thankfully, His mercies are new every morning. 

Jan 16

12:28a- still awake. Muscles in legs twitching. It gets annoying after while. Cannot take melatonin or muscle relaxer or I won’t be alert enough for co-op classes tomorrow. Ugh! Hope it stops soon. Lower back throbbing. Very thirsty.

5:30a- finally fell asleep sometime after 12:30am. Woke to Joe giving me kiss goodbye. Heard strange sound but couldn’t figure out where it coming from. 

6:30a- hands & wrists swollen and achy. Still hear noise – figured out it was toilet. Had to get up to fix it. Low back hurts. Headache starting. 

10:50a- Dezirae’s excited because in choir one of the songs they are learning is “Even in the Valley God is Good”. 

11:15a- nerve endings tingling, pain in jaw is diminishing, headache has eased

Young choir practicing Patch the Pirate songs. I already know them. Yeah!  I feel like I grew up on Patch the Pirate adventures! Gotta figure out how to get cassette tapes converted to cd. I guess rx is beginning to work. 

12:40p- I’m enjoying US Geography co-op class this year. I chose to help in class this year to help me relearn some of information that I lost from brain injury. It’s fun watching kids getting excited about learning. It pushes my brain and most days I end up with headache. Co-op is taxing on me overall and I’m usually done for day afterwards. My kids love it.  

8:37p- just posted devotional to my blog. I’m exhausted. Need to rest. 

10:15p- I am tuckered out. Hopefully, I’ll fall asleep fast. Goodnight. 

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