March 4
6:30a- Rt ear ringing, low back aches, rt hip aches, thrush still present, tongue hurts.
Good morning. I’m alive and tired.
1:42p- Mom took me to DG (toiletries & planters for church), bank, Burkes (sheets for mission house), Lowes (paint), & Rouses (groceries). Dezirae & I just finished putting them away. I’m exhausted and muscles in stomach & back are burning! Need to take pain Rx.
Positive is that I only used wheelchair at Rouses. I walked behind shopping cart in other stores. I’ve probably done too much, but at least I did it.
3:00p- Joe wanted the living room deep cleaned today. I had kids work on it since I was worn out from this morning’s adventure. I haven’t been to that many stores in one trip in a very long time. I’m feeling it too. Back is stinging, burning pain. I’ll have to take it easy the rest of the day just to have enough to cook dinner.
Didn’t get entire livingroom cleaned but it looks lot better.
9:00p- I’m miserable with the yeast overgrowth. Feminine itching. Tongue hurts. Trying something different…drinking apple cider vinegar in small glass of o.j.
March 5
7:50a- Wow! Hard to believe I selpt through the night. I guess it helps that I took Benedryl for allergies and melatonin. My whole body is quite sore all over and it hurts to move this morning. Low back throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Neck hurts. I’m tired of pain all the time, but It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name in the morning we will…
One day I’ll remember the rest of it.
Thankful that I have another day to serve the Lord.
Itching has diminished. Tongue doesn’t look as bad as yesterday. Going to continue drinking 1 Tbs ACV twice daily.
8:38p- just learned that thyme has a lot of health benefits…trying a cup of thyme tea. Not my favorite flavor in tea but it is tolerable. Brewed 1 cup of purified water with 1 tsp thyme leaves. Allowed to steep for about 10 minutes. Strained with coffee filter into another cup. Added 1 pkt of truvia. Too tart. Added 1 tsp locally grown honey.
Thyme is a good source of copper, iron, magnese, vitamin c, vitamin A, etc.
10:13p- I’m exhausted. Center of chest hurts. Back hurts. Skin is slightly flushed from neck up. I’m hot though we’re under a freeze warning tonight. Low back aches. Candida aggravation. Calves throbbing. Tongue feels swollen. Stomach aches.
That name is Jesus, Sweet Rose of Sharon. Spotless and pure Lamb of God, Jesus, the Lion of Judah The promised Emmanuel, God’s Son, Jesus my Lord and Creator Who witnessed and conquered the grave, Jesus this worlds only Savior, Jesus what a wonderful name
This chorus running through my mind. My daughter is trying to learn it to sing in church. Kids have been playing cd that it’s on a lot lately.
Researching probiotics
HSO – Homestatic Soil Organism
SBO – Soil Based Organism
March 6
8:00p- rough nite. Perplexing dream. Woke to both arms being numb. Neck hurts. Skin itching. Stuffy nose. Slight bloody nose. Thrush worse. Tongue feels swollen. Tired. Stomach aches.
That name is Jesus, Sweet Rose of Sharon. Spotless and pure Lamb of God, Jesus, the Lion of Judah The promised Emmanuel, God’s Son, Jesus my Lord and Creator Who witnessed and conquered the grave, Jesus this worlds only Savior, Jesus what a wonderful name
It’s odd how certain songs stick in your head.
10:14a- mom called to share praise about a trip she’s planning…details are coming together…now just need to pray for her to find a car before June. Told me she asked the pharmacist about getting rid of thrush. He wasn’t sure about purple stuff but said something about Benadryl.
11:41a- put load of clothes away (finally after 2 days), had Dezirae help me change sheets on my bed, made waffles for breakfast, took shower, had Jordon dust piano, Dezirae straighten hall closet, & Jordon clean out microwave. I’m exhausted! Need to rest a few minutes.
Checked on benadryl concoction for thrush. It’s benadryl mix with milk of magnesia but need to take antifungal medicine to get rid of it completely.
3:30 Not feeling well at all. Feel very weak. Throat is on fire!
4:50p- bought liquid Benadryl & m.o.m for thrush in mouth as well as antifungal Rx. Took first dose (1/2 Tbs benadryl & m.o.m). Tongue is now tingling but throat already feels a little better. Actually able to eat without it hurting to swallow.
6:59p- sipping hot tea with peppermint, thieves, & copabia oil. Feels good on the throat.
8:30p- Not feeling well at all. Very tired. Throat hurts. Gonna Dr up and go to bed early.
Immune blend on bottom of feet, nasal spray for stuffy, congested, runny nose, Echinacea, vitamin C, & zinc, frozen yogurt, Tylenol, diffusing purification, lemon, & lavendar.
11:00p- bloody nose
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