March 7
7:00a- rough night. I’m tired and feeling kind of week. Feeling nauceous.
10:58a- decided to work on inputting kids grades in notebook. Had to make run to restroom due to nauceousness. Indigestion bad. Took ginger and papaya. Lying down for half hour to rest. Nose stuffy and hard to breath. Face hurts. Head hurts. Feels like I caught kids crud they had earlier in week. Nagging cough hurts my chest and my nerves.
10:25p- I’m exhausted & sick. Nose has been running all day. I guess it’s better than alternative. Well, not hardly moving all day my normal body aches weren’t as noticeable, but then I was more focused on the more than normal pains…headache, overall yucky feeling, stomach nauceous off and on, lack of appetite more than usual, face hurts, sinuses hurt, chest rumbly, overly stuffed and congested. My nose hurts from blowing it all day. Think I blew thru all my hankies plus a quarter box of tissues. Diffused thieves today to try to get rid of these yuckies. Took V8 juice (I have to be sick to drink that stuff. Can’t stand the texture. Odd – I know.), took Echinacea, vitamin C & zinc, drank thyme tea with peppermint oil to soothe sore throat. It has a pungent smell but it sure does soothe my throat.
I look forward to more warmer days where I can go outside in the sun and “earth”. It makes me feel so much better. I must try to get outside more this summer now that Im a little more mobile than I have been.
Thank You Lord for saving my soul
Even in the Valley God is good..He is faithful and true….Even in the Valley God is good
(I don’t recall words in the middle that’s why the …’s
Shh! I won’t tell if you don’t).
Rolling an Immune Blend on bottoms of feet and going to bed. Taking Tylenol for the headache.
March 8
8:34a- awake since 7ish. Trouble breathing sneezing a whole heap severely congested but runny nose face hurts headache took 2 headache relief tabs starting to ease took zyrtec & nasal spray. Not hungry but know I need sustenance gonna make a breakfast smoothie. Making to-do list for today so I can get something done and not feel like the day is wasted.
It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to his name in the morning we will…(praise His love?)
Thankful another day even though I’m a little under the weather and hurting.
9:30p- Bible class with Dezirae was encouraging to me today. We are doing a Virtuous Woman Bible study for her Bible this year. Today’s lesson was about Keeping eternity in mind when making decisions.
James 1:5 – If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
Challenge: Determine for myself and my family where I need to draw the line. How much can I handle and still do my best? Realizing that this line will move as my circumstances in life changes, I will seek to do what would MOST please the Lord at this stage of my life.*
*from Virtuous Woman Bible study at kjvhearthelps.
I’ve already had to practice this week with upcoming commitments. Though I wanted to do them and not let anyone down I chose to pray about it and ask God for wisdom. A few of the commitments I had to back out of because though they weren’t wrong they would’ve done me more harm than good at this stage in my life.
This was encouraging to me.
5:30p- Brain fried. Checked and documented Dezirae’s grade for 3rd quarter. Dezirae had lots of questions and needed help with schoolwork. CPA had questions about our taxes. It’s all just getting on my nerves. Had to apologize to Dezirae for snapping.
Joe was a sweetheart when he came home from work. Since I had done the hard part (I just put the meat in the crockpot), he offered to cook the hashbrowns & scrambled eggs for dinner. I was glad because I’m pooped, but can’t fall asleep. Brain & eyes blurring. Stuffy runny congested. Whole body aches and pains. Chest hurts.
11:20p- trouble breathing. Face hurts.
Able to complete 5 items of task I had listed for the day. Good pick me up even though I’m a little sick. Thrush is diminishing a little once again. The “Miracle Mouthwash” (Milk of Magnesia & Children’s Benadryl) is easing throat pain and allowing me to eat more solid foods. Yeah!
God is good me. He holds my hand. He helps me stand. God is good to me.
March 9
10:13a- woke at 3:00, 4:00, & 7:00am. Nose stopped running but mucus has turned green. Woke with a headache and feeling yucky. Joe thinks I need to go back to Dr’s for antibiotics. I told him that’s what made me sick with yeast problem in first place. Gotta figure out how to combat it all naturally. I’m over it all!!!
11:50a- Received draft copy of taxes to review from cpa. I have some questions, but thankful they’re taking care of it instead me. I know I couldn’t do it right now without crying my eyes out and major stressing. Thank you, Lord!
12:30p- I propose in order to raise the $ needed for the border wall is to lower all congressional income to the average US medium income until the $ is raised to pay for the wall.
The average US income for 2018 was $62,175. The base salary for congressional members is $174,000.
I think we could raise the needed $ quickly. I think I’d feel like I’m living high on the hog if we ever made $62k a year. Wow!
8:11p- I’ve drinken two cups of hot thyme & oil of oregano tea today. I also breathed in the steam which helped to open my nasal passages make breathing easier. Though I tire easily I’m feeling a little better. Hope to sleep better tonight.
Gave me enough energy to plan meals for week, type/create church bulletin, & make dinner.
10:28p- I’m exhausted. Just finshed 3rd cup of thyme tea. Feeling kind of weak and unstable. Need some sleep.
Neck hurts. Hands a little achy but not swollen +. Eyes and brain feel blurry. But they do after I utilize them on focus and thinking. Miss talking to my Bubba. Gotta try to remember to call him tomorrow. Low back & rt hip aches. Calves cramping when I walk. Gotta figure out how to overcome that…if only. Lord, please give me wisdom where needed. I certainly am unable of helping myself out of these maladies. Tongue is already looking better.