March 10
6:00a- alarm went off. Don’t know why I set it that early. Shut off.
7:00a- I’m up. Feeling a little better though not 100%. Looking forward to church. Must get lunch in crockpot.
8:00a- just about ready for church but pooping out and feeling nauceaous. Arms hurt from curling my hair. Calves cramping from walking up and down hallway. Ugh!
Joe told me to stay home. He doesn’t want me to push myself and get sicker. Something’s weird goin on in my head (not crazy thoughts – it just doesn’t feel right). I need to get better.
Going back to bed. Turned radio on quietly.
12:30p- Selpt for about 3 hours. Must of needed it. I’m still tired. Forgot to plug in second crockpot with veggies in it. At least we have a microwave.
Going back to bed after lunch.
10:35p- Headache. Head still feels weird not sure how to explain or why. Stuffy nose. Congested. Nose & lips are chapped. Back hurts. Tongue a little more white today. Took 3 doses of thyme & oil of oregano tea today. Took 2 doses of Echinacea, C, & zinc also. Took headache medicine. Neck hurts. Hands went numb while laying in bed this afternoon.
Asked Joe to stop at store for lunch meat on way home. He decided to get me one of my favorite candies (orange slices). Although his heart was in the right place and it was sweet that he wanted to encourage me. I told him that was sweet thought but I’ll have to put it away until I can eat it. (I’m on restricted diet. Inside I just wanted to cry.
It’s hard to be positive when you feel so yucky. Been on a restricted diet for 8+ weeks though it’s not had the affects I’m desiring (getting rid of this stubborn thrush) the positive is that I’ve lost 10lbs so far. Lord, I need Your help.
March 11
12:30a- Can’t sleep. All the usual things that make me sleepy aren’t working. Taking muscle relaxer.
8:45a- Had alarm set for 7:30. Guess I must’ve shut it off. Groggy.
9:30a- Congestion seems to be little less but now have bloody nose. Feel week. Many trots to restroom I must go already this morning. Whole body aches. At least I got some deep sleep this morning.
10:54a- Had to get kids directed in their schoolwork even though I have school schedule on fridge. Having trouble staying focused on one task.
12:16a- wash one load clothes, had Jordon put in dryer. Got Keto/Paleo Chili in crockpot. Tried new way to brown hamburger. Couldn’t believe my eyes! Sprinkled 2 tsp baking soda on hamburger meat and browned as usual. No grease to drain! (Got tip from this website: Tired and need to rest a bit.
1:20p- seriuos sharp pain in center of back radiating to front!!!! Taking breath away.
2:12p- turned wrong and huge cramp on right side. Ugh!
3:00p- sharp pain returned in center of chest!! Had Joe adjust my back. Still hurts. Applied pain roller blend. Took pain rx. Applying heat pack. 20 minutes pain is starting to ease.
4:30p- sharp stabbing pain in center of chest. Can hardly move!!! Tried touching toes to see if back would pop again. Not! Fleeting thought that it might be gas. Joe made me drink 6oz pepsi quickly to see it’ll make me burp. Not. Took 6 papaya enzymes. 10 minutes and it’s starting to ease. Took 3 more. Still no burps. Chest sore but not hurting as bad.
6:30p- my tummy hurts
Laid down for a while. Took 2 ginger capsules.
10:32p- feel lethargic but not sleepy. Tummy finally stopped hurting around 8:30p- Upper back throbbing. Center of chest aches. Cough. Surprisingly feet never felt freezing to me though chilly enough to put socks on. Nose slightly stuffy but improving. Able to breathe better. Upper chest hurts. Tummy pains but not too bad.
Thankful to avert another trip to the doctor’s so soon. Thrush is still there but improving as well.
Having trouble drinking enough water. I was thinking it was a gallon per day. Just looked up and couple of websites suggested the 8×8 rule or half gallon of water. Could be more or less depending on the person. Whew! Not as much as I was thinking.
Let’s see…3-10oz cups of thyme & oil of oregano, 2.5-16.9 bottles of water, 1-6oz soda. I think that equals 30+42.25+6=78.25. 8×8=64oz. I guess I’m doing better than I thought minus 6 oz soda still equals 72.25! Yeah!
Taking melatonin tonight. I think I hurt worse after the muscle relaxer. The best case senerio is to get rid of nerve pain altogether. I’d rather get used to pain than have boomerang effect get less done that way. Thankful for the much needed sleep though.
Also diffusing Lavendar and Lemon oils for a little while to help sleep.
Brain not as foggy. Lft ear ringing.
March 12
8:45a- Hard to believe I’ve splet this long! I know I needed it. I could probably sleep some more but got to make sure kids are doing their schoolwork among other things.
It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name to His name in the morning we will…
I’m thinking it might be a psalm put to hymn but not certain.
12:17 Joe asked me to look up prices for headlight remembered we had $5 gc to Advance Auto. Wrote down part# for later. He asked me to check if we had the money. Told him I’d have to balance checkbook first. Ugh! This hurts my brain but it’s necessary.
Three hours later….we have enough to get part. Headache, brain cluttered, eyes foggy, costocondritis flairing up. Need to rest a while.
12:30p- While preparing thyme tea, I accidentally spill the oregano oil on the counter! Ugh! Now whole house smells like oregano oil. That’s some potent stuff! Kids asked shortly later, what’s that smell. Told them. Jordon says I’m going to my room.
Back throbbing, center of chest throbbing & feels caught (can’t seem to get it to unstuck). Trying to lay flat on back on my chair I incurr a cramp in stomach just below left rib. Looking forward to sipping the tea. Adding peppermint & copabia oils help reduce inflammation and pain.
Upside I’m feeling a little better today Still have thrush on tongue and new stop appeared. I’ve lost another 2lbs too!
11:20p- Joe & Dezirae took me grocery shopping for the week. Took longer than I expected. Came home & put groceries away. Sat and rested for few minutes. Cooked dinner. Halfway thru I had to sit and rest. While I was resting, stove decided to go burzurk beeping with error code. I pushed all the buttons and nothing worked. Noise was driving me crazy. Joe came to rescue and unplugged the oven from behind. Waited few minutes and plugged back in. Everything was fine. I was thankful for easy fix.
I’m done wore out for rest of day. My entire back is throbbing thru and thru. Shoulders, arms, hands hurt. Feet freezing. Getting stuffy again. Only drank one cup of thyme tea today. Tongue hurts again.
Tomorrow is another day. Until then my heart will go on singing. Until then with joy I’ll carry on. Until the day my eyes behold that city. Until the day God calls me home…This world is not my home I’m just a passin thru if heaven’s not my home then Lord what will I do the angels becon me from heaven’s open door and I cant feel at hpme in this world anymore…more more about Jesus more more about Jesus more of His saving fullness see more of His love who died for me…
This was a jingle of hymns that I was taught as a child. It goes on and on some more, but my finger and wrist is wearing out quickly. Until tomorrow…
Some rezt I must get.
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