March 16
9:00 rough night. Woke several times. Bad dreams. Woke to left hand and arm numb & tingly. Low back throbbing. Headache. Throat hurts.
I choose to have a good day in spite of it all.
4:00- ended up in argument with Joe. Not that I particularly like to admit it but we did. At least we sit and talk things out until we can get to the bottom of it and work through it.
Most of it boils down to my getting agitated easily. I know my personality has changed. I’m easily agitated because my brain processes things at a slower rate than before. This in turn makes me seem slow or not listening. But in my mind it makes me feel stupid when I know I’m not. I’m unable to physically do things that I was able to prior to the “accident”. Before I probably could’ve run a marathon with all the energy I exerted on a daily basis both mentally and physically, but now I have to plan out my activities because I wear out easily. Some days I just don’t have a clue what’s even going on let alone what I need to accomplish that day. Some days I have to take 2 or 3 cat naps just to make it through the day.
It breaks my heart to see me like this. I’m hurting myself and my family. I don’t know how to fix it and it frustrates me to no end because I haven’t been able to figure it all out.
I don’t blame God for my accident. I know there is a purpose in it all. I just don’t know what it is right now.
I know I’m supposed to learn that I may be able to help others also. I’m taking notes along to way so I can know things that work and don’t work for me. But how do you help others when you’re failing at helping yourself? I feel broken, lost, scared, and don’t even like what I see. I thought I was doing pretty good but I suppose not.
11:45p- We ran errands for church. Ate dinner. Then rest of night I worked on bulletin for tomorrow. Brain feels taxed. Vision jumbled. Slight headache. Tired. Feet freezing. Neck hurts. Back icy sensation. Skin feels like ants crawling on it.
This too shall pass & the Lord’s mercies are new every morning.
March 17
6:45a- very dizzy this morning. Headache. Lights bother eyes even with sunglasses on. Neck hurts. Throat hurts. Canker sore on rt inside cheek. Tongue no better & hurts.
8:00a- about had a near melt down this morning trying to remember and process what Joe told me yesterday. Joe helped me calm down and told me we would discuss it more later.
1:00p couldn’t go no more crashed for 2 hours.
3:00p- Joe & I had planning mtg for upcoming church events (Easter, Palm Sunday, Homecoming Sunday, Mother’s day, mother daughter outing). Got bulletin board down & Easter board partially up. Offertory picked out & practiced for tonight.
March 18
How do you treat a concussion?
I am working on a more detailed article to describe treatment of these problems. For now let me give a brief overview. Treatment comes in two different modalities, supplementation and biofeedback. Supplementation can handle some of the symptoms and may reverse the damage. Vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, Vitamin B6, and Omega-3s are all helpful for post-concussion syndrome. Long-term supplementation may be able to reverse the damage of the TBI. to treat concussion (saved in Pinterest)
8:00a- bed stripped, load of wash in washer, gut healing coconut latte made, breakfast made, trimmed rose bush, deer stew in Crockpot (partially-have to add veggies & spices). I’m exhausted time to rest.
9:38- 1st load folded & mostly put away. 3rd load in washer. Bed made.
Stuffy nose, headache, calves throbbing, upper back chilly tingling sensation, neck hurts.
10:30 prepared 3 pkgs for mail, grated bar soap, relisted items on eBay. Tired and feel like I’m gonna crash. Resting 20 minutes or so. Jordon Science quiz. Icy sensation traveling down spine to lower back. Rt ear ringing. Brain feels jumbled. Head hurts.
12:30p- finished putting spices & veggies in stew, folded 2nd load, hung 3rd load to dry, designed letters for bulletin board and printed on cardstock. Drank cup thyme & oil of oregano tea. Sitting to rest.
3:30p- crepe myrtle trimmed. I have hit my limit of activity today. I’m starting to feel the pain. Need to rest.
8:30p- I’m in loads of pain. Did too much today. Neck & upper back throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Mouth & tongue hurting. Heating pad on back.
MSM – take 500mg 3xs daily to reduce inflammation & pain
Turmeric – 1 or 2 500mg capsules 2xs daily. Aim to take 1,000 – 2,000mg daily for best results
Vitamin C –
Zinc – 110mg 3xs daily
D3- between 2,000 IUs – 4,000 IUs daily
Probiotic – 1-2 capsules containing 10-15 billions active cultures daily. Allow 4 weeks for gut healing side effects and adjust accordingly.
Multivitamin – take in am with food
10:30p- muscles in left leg twitching spasmodically, pain threshold increasing, rt elbow throbbing, fingers throbbing, rt ear hurts
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