March 19
10:00-12:00 TBI mtg
Joe & kids went with me today. Good crowd there today.
Teresa told me about Oshmosis – Catholic services for prescription assistance
Prayer Request: Beau Crochet – fallen & seizures – going to hospital (aneurysm several yrs ago)
Met man that was in auto accident two years ago. He has lots of hurts spiritually besides physical issues. Hasn’t been to church since accident. Praying he finds forgiveness to heal the bruises.
Another man admitted he didn’t know where he was going when he died but was open to knowing the truth. Joe tried to talk with him but too many interruptions and he’s not sure yet. Praying for his salvation.
1:00- Sams Club to get passport photos & few groceries. Produce at Lil Brian’s. DG for laundry soap & charcoal.
4:00p- resting. Throat feels swollen. Brain hurts. Feel like I’m gonna crash/pass out. Need to lay down a bit.
5:15p- crashed for a while. Still tired. Brain don’t hurt as bad.
5:30 cooked dinner. Headache. Worked on cutting out more letters for bulletin board. I’m done for day. Brain feels like mush.
10:51p- did mouth rinse to ease mouth pain waiting to take meds & go to bed. Trying to read book to refresh memory on Bible study. I’ll probably have to refresh in am too. At least this way it’ll stick eventually. Trying frankincense oil to help me sleep tonight. Hope it works
Entire back hurts, headache, neck hurts, left foot keeps going numb, had several dizzy spells today had to hold on and stop moving for minute or so to slow it down, feet chilly, legs ache, chilly spells…
11:00- just got a scare!!! Joe sleeping his hand fell over just enough to lightly touch my shoulder. Scared heebejeebeez out of me!!! I scream waking him up. He asked what’s wrong. I tell him. He apologizes kisses me on forehead rolls over a goes right back to sleep. Haha. Now I’m spazed and wide awake. Ugh!
March 20
4:45a- woke up for no apparent reason. Legs ache, severely congested, head hurts, tired, sharp pain in rt side, throat & tongue hurt. Gotta get rid of this stubborn thrush need to feel better and get focus back.
6:15- think I’ll take a nap now
9:30a- not feeling right can’t explain. Stomach hurts. Tired. Hands tingly.
Jakob coming home for break. Yeah!
11:30a- felt like I needed to blow my nose. Went to bathroom- actually had bloody nose! Ugh! Head & eyes now hurt & feeling a bit weak. Headache.
2:55p- Jakob called. He’s on way home for visit. Fatigue setting in heavy. Feel like I’m gonna crash/pass out. Gotta lay down in room…too much noise going on in house. Brain hurts. Phone lighting up.
3:45p- Jakob made it home safe. I plan on making memories…not sure what we’ll do but I’m gonna do my best to enjoy this time.
7:27p- had parents over for dinner. Joe smoked bbq ribs. Mom cooked corn on cob & made dessert. All I had to do was mashed potatoes & chicken. Both cooked in crockpot. Joe basted with bbq sauce and put chicken in oven last 30 minutes. Yummy! I love when Joe helps.
Mom mentioned something about Mimosa piduca (Paduca). Told me about video series she’s been watching. Something about when you’ve been doing everything you can to get over something and nothing seems to work you may have parasite problem.
Starting to add ACV to my daily regimen. Hoping it will help with getting rid of thrush and helping me feel better. Need to add omega3s back too. Think I’ll add Chia seeds to my acv drink in ams.
7:52p- bloody nose out of no where. I’m just sitting relaxing while watching movie. Ugh!
10:26p- wore out and going to bed. Hope to get to sleep soon and stay asleep all night.
Back of neck hurts, shoulders hurt, arms hurt, legs hurt, tummy bloated, feet hurt, rt ear hurts, face itches, throat hurts, tongue hurts =thank God I’m still alive.
March 21
8:00a- woke a few times. Whole body aches.
Jeremiah 17:5
Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.
10:00a- lasagna in the crockpot.
11:00a- mtg paid, pkg in mail. Joe tried to call about bowling prices. Woman was not so nice on phone & hung up on him. I started to call to complain to manager but Joe told me to hang up. What is there to do in Mobile that’s not pricey & physically challenged able?
12:00- decided to go to science Explorium special exhibit is Genghis Khan
(picture coming later….)
3:00p – used wheelchair at museum. Family took turns pushing me. I was able to interact with some of exhibits though not for long.
11:27p- pushed myself for Jakob’s sake today. Put letters up on bulletin board. Jordon helped staple letters on after I put in place.
Misunderstanding in church tonight during song service. It really irritated me and threw me off. I royally messed up and then gave up trying to catch up. Waited to start second verse.
I get so frustrated at times especially when my brain has been overtaxed and I’m tired. I tried my best to not throw the hissy fit I wanted to because I knew it wouldn’t accomplish anything. Jakob did awesome job preaching tonight. I was glad to see Kackley family there. Missed Yanna though.
Fell asleep in chair in livingroom until a got a sharp pain in middle of rt shoulder blade. Woke myself up yelling Ouw! Ouw! Ouw!
I told Joe so on way home. He told me I did very good job holding my peace and he was proud of me.
Rt neck hurts, rt shoulder throbbing, hands swollen and achy and tingly, back throbbing, brain jumbled, headache, hand hurt, legs hurt, sharp pain in rt wrist shooting to elbow!!! Low back throbbing, eyes blurry, eyes sensitive to bright lights & loud noises.