March 22
7:00a- Excited about little mermaid ballet today.
Enjoyed our field trip to the ballet. I enjoyed the directors interpretation of the story and most of characters were modest. Costumes were very creative. Seahorses were adorable.
Safely detox with diatomaceous earth
12:30p- I’m tired but not exhausted. Headache, but I knew that was gonna happen after the stimulation from the ballet.
2:00p- cut Jakob’s hair. Arms hurt. Need to rest
3:30p- cut Jordon’s hair. Jakob getting ready to leave for college again. Enjoyed visit with him.
4:00p- had kids open windows. It’s such a nice day with cool breeze. Kids decided to go running for P.E. assignment. I decided to try to work on posting to blog. Able to post a week’s worth of journal entries. New way is helping make it easier for me at least…now up to Nov 7, 2017. Still have long way to catch up but I’ll get there eventually.
5:00p- resting brain for piece before heating up dinner…leftovers.
7:00p- walked up and down road with Joe after dinner
8:50p- muscles twitching in back
9:30p- just applied 2nd dose of baking soda to tongue. My tongue hasn’t looked so good in longer than I can remember. Got idea from comments on a wellness page on Facebook.
Applied maybe a dime size to surface of tongue with my toothbrush. Allowed it to dissolve on tongue for about a minute or so. Spit it out and rinsed with water.
Still having constipation issues. Lower back aches, rt hip hurts, feet tingly, eyes blurry, legs ache
10:41p- legs throbbing; feet tingling, back hurts, neck hurts, head hurts.
March 23
4:30a- woke to rt hip and legs throbbing. Headache & neck hurting rt side. Took headache rx.
5:00a- Decided where to go for ladies outing in May…Warehouse Bakery & Donuts then shopping at Eastern Shore Shopping Plaza. Plaza has wheelchairs to borrow. There’s no way I could walk entire plaza.
5:45a- Time to read my Bible then take nap before time to get up.
Lft hand & wrist numb & tingling, rt hip throbbing, neck hurts, headache easing, bright lights bothersome (light on phone all way down & it’s still too bright), toes tingling
It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name to His name in the morning…
I guess I’ll just have to work on writing the ending someday it’ll click.
8:45a- never fell back to sleep. Oh well I’ll go as long as I can.
Morning Rx/supplements:
Edarbyclor 20mg/12.5mg, Propranolol 20mg, Dexliant 60mg, Alpha Lipoic Acid 300mg, MSM 500mg, Probiotics 40 Billion Active Cultures.
Began taking ACV last week 1 TBS 2xs daily.
3/22- began putting 1/8 tsp of baking soda on tongue until it melts (about minute or two) 2xs daily.
Muscles in back and legs sporadic twitching, tummy aches, back hurts, legs throbbing, feet ache, toes tingly, hands swollen and achy, rt ear hurts, neck aches, sinus congestion
Need to figure out to get bookshelves built for church. Want to put church library together in one location.
10:00a- Soul winning at church. Missionary family, the McGuires, came out with us. Wished Joe didn’t have to work today. At the end of knocking doors, we happened upon an estate sale. Found basket of organic teas! One of the teas was a sore throat tea with licorice root. Looking forward to trying it especially since my throat is sore today. Able to walk about 1/4 mile before needing to stop because of hips and lower back hurting too bad.
Joe & I agreed to invite them over for dinner. Joe offered to pick up pizzas. Win for me bc I don’t have to stress out on what to cook.
12:00p- Dezirae made lunch – chicken salad. Yum! She’s so sweet.
1:00p- Had kids help pick up house for company.
2:00- Started working on bulletin.
3:30- Made Applesauce Carrot muffins for breakfast tomorrow. Doubled batch to share with Parents and the McGuires. I snuck one just to make sure they’ll taste good. Never made this kind before and I messed up a little following instructions. Shh! Don’t tell.
4:00p- Back to the bulletin. Got startled when I heard knock at door around 5:45pm. Guests have arrived ahead of Joe. Lord, please let Joe be here soon. I don’t know what to say.
8:50p- McGuires leave. It’s been an enjoyable visit. I love being a blessing to others especially missionary families when we are able. I know it’s encouraging to them but it blesses me as well.
10:19p- Jakob calls for some advice. Call was short but sweet.
11:45p – Just finished bulletin and taking shower. I’m exhausted. Brain hurts. Back and legs throbbing. Rt neck hurts. Hands and wrists swollen and achy.
Took night meds. I’ll list those tomorrow. Need to rest my brain. It’s been a busy day. Tomorrow is another busy day – church!
March 24
6:50a- woke with bad headache. Dream I was in spiritual battle but don’t remember details. Brain hurts. Legs ache. Feet tingling. Took headache rx.
8:00a- actually have time to paint toenails. Feet chilly. Need comfortable closed toe shoes.
9:00a- we have visitor today. PtL! Realized I haven’t written in anything in checkbook for week and half. I thought for sure I did. Ugh!
9:45a- Headache worse. Took migraine rx.
2:45p- Got checkbook balanced. Thankfully I didn’t overdraft. Whew!
Meals planned for week. Slowly getting better in that area. Made menu board but having hard time adapting to using it. Something will click eventually.
Headache has eased. Low back hurts. Necks hurts. Feet freezing. Tongue slowly improving with the baking soda.
Only fell asleep for about 10 minutes. Brain won’t shut off. Calves cramping.
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