Caution: Trigger warning!!!!
March 28
7:30a -woke at 2.30 & 7:00a Feel like I’ve been beat up. Weird dream…I was thrown into a labyrinth and was trying to find my way out only I kept running into obstacles to distract me.
Tongue hurts. Skin itchy. Stuffy congested sinus.
10:00a- called PJ for advise. Thrush growing again. Tongue in pain. Hurts to swallow.
Suggested Colloidal Silver.
Going to get passports for kids for their trip with Grandma this summer. Stranger danger. Black Hyundai. Bald man with gun on side. Joe turned around to see where he’s going. Last house on right. Man at house for less than 5 minutes. Backed out of drive & parked in middle of road. Now leaving.
We live on dead end road. Strange vehicles in neighborhood make me nervous.
2:16p- feeling weird- shaky almost jittery. I haven’t had any caffeine. Eyes & Brain feel foggy and blurred.
3:20p- heading to church now. Arms, elbows, hands aching. I’m tired. Checking out colloidal silver info now. Need to rest.
6:00p- I’m exhausted. Brain is taxed to almost max. Brain feels foggy and eyes blurring. Easter dinner & continental breakfast signup sheets made, copies made, forms printed for church,
10:00p- drinking chamomile tea with tsp colloidal silver
10:30p- headache. Taking rx.
11:30p- tired but wide awake. Legs, feet, and toes stinging. Rt side of tongue feels swollen and hurts, hands swollen and achy, low back aches, rt hip hurts, headache still, feet cold, vision feels blurry
March 29
1:00a- still wide awake. Ugh!
1:27a- skin itchy. Taking melatonin.
10:00a- working on trying to pay bills this morning for month’s end. Found Valentine’s card I bought for Joe but apparently I forgot to give it to him. What’s worse is I still can’t find the gift I bought him for Valentine’s. If I find it, maybe an Easter gift now.
11:50a- messed up signing in for Dr apt. Looked at clock and read 12:50 so I signed in for 12:30apt & arrival at 12:50. That didn’t look right. Looked at sheet nurse writing on she wrote 11:50 arrival. Oops! Brains all messed up. Acknowledged to nurse I messed up and proceeded to fix mistake. Least I can laugh at myself. LOL!
12:17p- bp 118/82 p64 didn’t take too long to see Dr. Asked him about thrush. He said he wasn’t a thrush Dr but a brain doctor.
I told him all rxs I’ve been on. He suggested the next step was a smith and wesson and chuckled. It didn’t register right away. I first thought what kind of Rx is that? What’s worse is he said it again (not only that but my Mom & daughter were in the room with me).
I told him “No. God still has a purpose for me.” He changed subject. Asked about headaches. Told him I’m back to having them daily and I know it’s from thrush. He suggested I see an infectious disease specialist. Gave me new Rx but said I had to work up to a regular dose. He also wants to give me Botox. I told him I didn’t like that stuff. He asked why. I told him bc it’s a poison. He insisted. Said he could get it for free for me. I told him I guess.
Visit today angered me!
I’m not sure how to process what I was told today. I know no patient should ever be told what I was told today.
It was confirmed loud and clear that I need a new doctor. Insinuating that I just need to kill myself is just wrong!!! That man needs Jesus, but I’m not going back.
Need prayers! I’m not quite sure how to process what Dr said. Need to ask our Heavenly Father for wisdom and guidance. I don’t have a clue as to the type of doctor to seek out for long-term effects of being a lightning survivor.
2:00p heading to church as planned to start next sprucing up project at church. Goal is to transform SS room floor from ugly orange to sheet music floor.
4:49p- heading home. Just have to cook the kielbasa.
7:00p- met lady that was selling a laptop. It’ll work for Joe. Yeah! I’m happy for him and price was within our budget. Thank you, Lord!
Post from one of my survivor groups
Hey everyone!!! Just wanted to share some encouragement with my lightning tribe. Even though we have never met, we are all connected. We all care in some way, we all have a need to be loved and we all need hope for each new day. Know that as I pray daily for my 15 year old survivor, I am also thinking of you.

11:36p- I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Muscles in legs twitching. Low back throbbing. Headache. Neck hurts.
I’m not taking new Rxs Dr wants me to take!!! Many of side effects are already what I deal with it’ll just magnify them and possibly make me crazy. Not gonna happen!!!
March 30
11:30a- while out door to door visitation met man that goes to church off and on. Husband and daughter met a man that had brain surgery several years ago. He explained several of his symptoms since surgery. Surgery was to help correct epilepsy. Husband told him you just explained what my wife deals with regularly. It’s interesting meeting people where they’re at and how God can use you to direct them to Him.
Able to have some one on one time teaching a lady how to witness and leading someone else to Christ. She was never taught.
1:30- Lunch at Jerusalem Cafe. Had Lentil Soup for first time. It was delicious! Gonna have to look for recipe.
4:30p- Joe and I got (he made me) eyes checked at glasses place. Able to help the girl giving eye test. Her mom has to walk with cane due to injury at work. Doesn’t have placard. Able to tell her how to get them.
My eyes have gotten worse. Ugh! Need progressive lenses. Figures. I do not like wearing glasses. I’m not got candidate for contacts either – can’t stand things in my eyes.
Bless the guy that was helping us. He took 20+ minutes trying different ways to explain differences between single vission, invisiline, line bifocals, & progressive lenses. I apologized several times because I just wasn’t getting it. My brain was overwhelmed. I finally told him it’s not that I’m a ditsy blonde. I just have difficulty with comprehending things since being struck by lightning. He told me it was okay. Joe even tried helping but it wasn’t helping. I finally understood after many minutes. I just wanted to do the single vision, but Joe told me to do the progressive.
11:55p- just dropping into bed. Had to get bulletin done for church tomorrow. Kept getting interrupted. Still have to finish printing insides.
Chest hurts, headache, hands swollen and achy, feet freezing, exhausted, low back throbbing, legs hurting
March 31

6:30a- My whole body hurts. Did too much walking yesterday. The weather must something amist (not sure it’s right word). Fell asleep shortly after midnight. Strange dreams – dreamt my brain got scrambled and I ended up talking like Yoda all night.
12:30p- crockpot dinner not done. Going out for lunch. Had to grab Dezirae’s arm on way to car. Ground seemed to be moving too fast under me almost fell even with cane.
2:30p- It’s cold outside! 49 degrees. It’s suppose to be Spring not feel like winter. Change in weather body feels. Laying down I must.
4:30p- wow. Didn’t think I’d sleep that long.
5:49p- rt hip aches. Low back aches. Feet Iike ice.
9:00p- I’m wiped out. Going to bed. Whole body feel like a popsicle. Got heating pad and put by feet. Took half hour or more for body to warm up.
“Yet the Lord will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life.” Psalm 42:8

I love how in the midst of battle David was able to encourage himself in the Lord. Thanks for reminder. It’s been tough week. Church services were encouragement today too.
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