April 7
6:35a- been awake since 4:30. Legs & back cramping. Headache. Forgot to set my alarm. Eyes are blurry. Sleepy.
Frustrated bc I forgot to print lyrics to song I’m singing this morning. Computer moving slower than me.
7:00a- running out of time need to pack bag to finish getting ready at church mornings like these fluster me and causes anxiety. Thankfully family jumped in to help me.
Decided to finish writing the monthly scripture writing plan that I’ve been researching and working on.
Had Dezirae look at curriculum for next year History & Science. She chose A Beka. I have most of books already. Yeah!
6:30p- I’m exhausted and hurting. Feels like it’s going to storm soon.
8:00p- Joe sweet enough to buy pizza for dinner so I didn’t have to cook. During dinner my rt foot and leg went numb making it difficult to walk. It looked like felt like I was a cripple. Felt funny looked funny too.
11:00p- I’m exhausted and really hurting. Think I might conk out before midnight tonight. It’s rainging outsid e too.
April 8
6:30a- woke at 3:30 thinking I overslept. Woke again at 6:30 thinking its too early to wake.
Lower back & rt hip throbbing. Muscles in rt leg are spasming. Stomach cramping. Slight bloody nose. Headache. Tongue hurts and feels swollen.
Chest starting to hurt. I’m tired. Eyes watery
Lft arm& hand going numb while laying in bed.
8:00a- got dizzy in shower & almost fell. Able to catch myself. Arms hurts horribly when lifting to wash hair.
9:00a- brain not working correctly today. All words coming out not what I’m thinking or trying to say. Trouble with dropsies – can’t seem to be able to hold onto things especially in left hand. Dezirae being smart alec.
2:00p- hung Joe’s clothes and put away some tshirts. My arms are cramping so bad it’s hard to move.
Need to rest.
3:00p- can feel myself crashing – like I’m about to pass out
4:00p- slept for almost an hour. Need to start getting dinner ready. Jordon has play practice. My rt ear is throbbing. Going to get few items at store while play practice. Dezirae will help me.
5:50p- got call only few people showed. Cancelling practice. Sweet gesture. Rachel said she’ll bring him to me.
Only been in store short while walking behind buggy and my hips are throbbing to point it hurts to walk. Dezirae getting me wheelchair. Messing up phrases all day.
7:30p- rt ear & rt teeth throbbing! Using orajel for mouth pain not helping. Drinking Thyme tea. Warmth feels good. It’s working.
9:00p- Joe sweet give me massage. It helps ease tension in muscles.
10:26p- wide awake. Took muscle relaxer & Tylenol.
10:45p- muscles twitching quite profusely in rt leg. Didn’t get much done today due to extra pain. Hard to do much or focus when this much. Left hand going numb. Trying to find pretty floral arrangement ideas for Palm * Easter Sunday.