April 9
3:30p- husband getting dental work done today. Have errands to run. Floral arrangement for Sunday. Found something at Hobby Lobby and got extra flowers to tweek it. Deposit at bank. Picked up my glasses. Don’t think I’m gonna be able to handle them. Distance is good but anything other than center vision is blurry and almost double vision. Will try for couple days. If not, exchanging for single vision. Ugh! Already deal with blurry vision & dizziness dont need to add to it.
Depending on my activity level and the weather, I get sporadic muscle spams throughout body but mostly in my legs. I’m 20 months out from my lightning strike.
Unbeknownst to me, my husband has been doing experiment the last week. He says the days he lightly massages my back in early mornings while I’m still sleeping I seem to have better days. The days he skips my days are more painful and I haven’t been able to do so much. Interesting.
4:30- had to go get rx for Joe filled. Wait time about one hour. Did some shopping. Walking behind buggy. Jordon ran ahead to get items to help make it faster. Low back and hips throbbing. Had to sit to rest.
Once home, had Dezirae cook dinner bc I was hurting too much to stand anymore. Skin extra sensitive. Dezirae accidentally brushed up behind my left arm. It felt like she scratched it with broken glass. Ouch!
11:00p- muscles spams randomly throughout body but mostly in my legs, hands throbbing, rt ear hurts, random sharp stabbing pain in left foot. Brain not shut off. Tired but wide awake.
April 10
6:00a- finally fell asleep around 1am. Awake at 2:30 & 4:30 & 5:30. Strange dreams. Long night. Rt ear aches, stomach hurts, low back throbbing, rt hip aches, hands throbbing, stuffy nose, feet ache, skin extra sensitive
9:00a- co-op today. Last day of classes. Next week is final play practice before their show.
11:45a- younger kids did very well during practice so teacher let them go outside to play in sunshine
3:00p- I’m exhausted and crashing fast.
4:15p- slept little over an hour. Still very tired. Need to get chicken in oven.
9:40p- exhausted and fading fast again. Not sure why. So lethargic feeling.
Headache. Rt ear throbbing. Stuffy runny nose. Congested. Eyes watery. Rt pelvic area aches. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Upper back hurts.