April 11
8:25a- Whew! I haven’t slept that long in long time! Fell asleep around 9:30p (It’s usually midnight or after) Woke about 1:30 to use restroom and fell right back to sleep (usually takes me hours) and woke just before 8am. Thank you, Lord.
Had strange dreams and feel sore all over like in fight, but oddly I feel somewhat refreshed (haven’t felt that since before the lightning strike). Progress is always possible.
Been talking with one of my survivor friends. She’s shared some of her gi issues and what she’s done to help improve. I’ve been trying some of suggestions. I think it might be helping. Been regular where before I wasn’t.
3:45p- attempting to paint the door frame at church. Low back already hurting. Rt arm cramp so bad I can barely hold brush. Forcing thru then done for day.
7:30p- trouble focusing to play piano, vision and brain feel blurry.
10:00p- low back throbbing, rt hip throbbing, I’m freezing cold . Shivering under covers. Joe not believe me at first till he got closer. Helped me warm up which helped me fall asleep.
April 12
2:30a -woke from bad dream with tears streaming down face. Dream not make sense nor do I care to remember any of it. Forgive in spite of painful memories. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Stuffy nose.hard to breath. Headache. Rt wrist and elbow stabbing pain. Took tylenol & benadryl to help. Applied pain rub to rt hip area.
7:30a- took me long time to fall back to sleep. Woke again about 7:30. Rt hip still hurting, lft hand numb and tingly, headache, feet hurt, tired
8:00a- muscles in legs randomly twitching
10:00a- need to pull up Dezirae’s ASL classes online, but wifi not cooperating! Wireless network connection not have valid ip address. I don’t need this with headache. Lord, please help guide steps to get resolved quickly without adding to my headache.
Need to reset configuration?
That didn’t work.
11:00a- 1 load washed & in dryer, dinner in crockpots (bbq ribs & scalloped potatoes). Yum!
Trouble with ASL classes. They reconfigured website now have to pay to continue. Have to back up and punt, but I need to rest my brain a while.
3:00p- balancing checkbook…have lots of things messed up – wrote few things in twice but mostly forgotten to input data at all. Just gotta keep trying. Bills paid thru pay day.
8:00p- It’s 76° inside and I’m freezing.
Words not coming out right. That which I mean to say comes out totally different. Sometimes I catch what I said wrong and sometimes not.
10:00p- headache, tummy pain, rt ear hurts, low back aches, rt hip hurts, vision blurry at times, finger tips ache.