Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 15-16 April 2019

April 15 

6:00a- I’m tired. Eyes weeping, whole body aches, muscles in left leg, headache, rt ear hurts.

7:00a- just realized I forgot to take my bp rx yday. Checked bp – 121/82 hr 69. Thank you, Lord. Now to get rid of headache. 

10:00a- 2 loads clothes washed. Post Scripture Journaling Intro to blog. Need to figure out how to upload pdf. 

10:30a- field trip to park with parents, kids, & Grandma. Grandma says it’s first time in years she’s going on picnic.

2:00p- just home from picnic at park. I’m wore out and hurting. Time to rest and enjoy hot cup of peach tea. Crashed for 10 minutes. I was hoping for more.

4:30p- I think I got the first month for Scripture Journaling posted. It’s not the way I was wanting but I’ll get it figured out eventually…baby steps. 😊

Time to start preparing for dinner.

11:30p- center of chest hurting horrible, skin itches, pain all over, headache

April 16

3:00a- I had unexpected fall in middle of night last night. I lost my balance and fell into our closet. Thankfully, I missed the larger furniture but did manage to scrap my lower left leg up. My husband jumped up to help me. My left leg has a small lump and is bruised and I feel like I’ve been beat up.

7:54a- I feel like I’ve been thru a war zone. Headache. Left leg is a little swollen. 

10:30a- received call from friend that needed lending ear. Prayed with her over phone.

11:00a- TBI mtg. 

12:00p- feet feel like ice & tingly, head hurts

1:00p- talked with Ron & Teresa about what happened with Dr. They’re glad I’m seeing new Dr. Teresa said Dr needs to know about falls so it can be documented in my files. They are gonna check into trying to find a way to get me some physical therapy. 

2:30p- I’m exhausted and hurting

2:54p- called Dr office. Left msg with nurse about incident and about being banged up & legs & feet tingling. 

3:10p- Kids Dr’s office called to remind me that it’s time to schedule annual checkups. Discovered that I accidentally threw away one of their insurance cards. Thankfully I had number written down. Had to call ins co to request replacement card. Ugh! Suppose to be resting…not getting far.

4:15p- going over to mom’s house with Dezirae for my Grandma to try to teach us how to quilt. My mom did reflexology on feet. Eased tingling a little.

5:30p- time to make dinner. Spaghetti & meatballs. I’m not hungry. 

10:00p- sat in chair lr most of night. I’m wore out. Feel like I was beat up not able to give anymore. Left lower leg gradually hurting worse. It’s swollen and hurts to touch. Tongue still has white patches and scratchy to swallow. Didn’t get much done. Indigestion.

Left foot tingling, left leg lower hurts, low back & rt hip aches, headache, tired but awake, seem to need bathroom more, stuffy & congested

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