Dec 1
7.00 woke up late. rough night. Congested. Body feels like all my muscles are pulsating at same time – almost like I’m being electrocuted.
10.30 headache getting bad. Took naproxen.
Brain hurts. Eyes hurt – feels like my vision is getting worse and more blurred.
12.30 Joe invited visitors to stay an eat with us. Sent kids to store to add to it.
2.00 I’m exhausted and hurting. Brain hurts. Face hurts – sinuses
4.00 Guess what!? I was just asked to share my testimony about my lightning strike at a preachers conference next June. It’s exciting but nerve racking at same time. What ever will I say? Who am I that people want to hear my story? All I can say is Thank You, Lord!
Lord, please give me words to say (no point in writing them down as I would struggle following them) and help me to be a blessing pointing others to you. I am humbled at the thought.
10.00 In telling my son to stay on top of taking Echinacea, C, & zinc to combat his congestion and sinus issues, I realize I need to follow own advice. I also drink 1 tbs acv in half glass of orange juice. Gotta get over this junk. Using immune blend as well.
11.30 I’m wore out. Head pounding. Whole body aches. Sinus congestion & pain. Rt hip throbbing. Legs achy and cramping. Sneezy. Rt ear hurts.
Dec 2
12.30 still wide awake. Tylenol sinus not touching headache. Took it 2 hrs ago. Stuffy, runny nose. Lights bothersome. Night owl activated to help. Neck hurts. Lymph nodes at base of neck swollen especially lft side. They don’t hurt but are obviously swollen when looking in mirror. Tingling in lower lft leg down to toes in lft foot.
3.50 woke to runny nose and runs.
7.30 rough night. Up every few hours. Head pounding. Face hurts. I think I have sinus infection. I hurt from head to toe.
8.00 kids having trouble getting motivated to do schoolwork. I don’t blame them would rather stay in bed. Have much to do to prepare for weekend though.
12.00 brain hurts from helping daughter with schoolwork. Need brain break. Have headache too. Whole body aches. Face hurts. Sipping herbal tea. Dinner in crockpots – mushroom soup and meat for philly cheesesteak grilled cheese. Decided to use waffle iron. Brain may handle one sandwhich at time easier.
7.30 I feel miserable. Head pounding. Took Tylenol sinus, nasal spray, did nasal rinse, herbal tea, Echinacea, zinc, and c. If I can’t get under control will have to call Dr for help. Ugh!
Dec 3
6.30 woke to nose running. Whole body aches. Headache. Exhausted. Nightmares. Lamp bright. Eyes hurt & watery. Face hurts. Neck hurts. Feet cold. Severe congestion and stuffiness. Hands ache and sting little. Low back aches. Rt hip throbbing. Legs crampy & ache. Rt ear hurts. Rt jaw feels like toothache.
♫It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name. in the morning we will la la la and give praises to His name.♫ Wish I could figure out if that’s a song I remember from my youth or I’ve written it in my head.
♫ In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautiful in His time. Lord, please show me everyday As You’re teaching me Your way, That you do just what You say in Your time.♫
7.45 time to get up. Kids have school. If only I could take a sick day.
9.00 called Dr’s office to make apt. Confirmed that I have sinus infection. Antibiotics called in. They’ll be ready this afternoon. I feel miserable.
11.30a physical therapy today. Pushing myself to go. It’s been 6 weeks since last visit. Blair says even with set back of getting sick I’ve improved overall. Yay! Able to do walking test around cone without cane for first time. Confirmed the reasons she asked for 2nd opinion was not only right tract for VOR exercises but also my dizziness stems from central nervous system damage aka TBI. This info to me is reassuring – It’s not all just in my head though it is, and I’m not crazy. Had me do new exercise – walk in and out of cones on floor. Reminded me of soccer exercises when I was a teen. I liked soccer.
Is it odd that I tear up when some action or smell causes me to remember a memory I thought I lost forever? Sometimes it feels as if I have selective amnesia from the TBI post LS. I have large periods of my past that I can’t seem to remember.
When I’m around others talking about past memories, I listen and really try to be happy for them. In my mind’s eye, I wish I could remember things in my past…like my wedding day, my babies being born, their first steps, etc. I don’t hardly remember any of them. Makes me want to make keepsakes book so I can remember…or at least enjoy the pictures. Then I just want to have a good cry because I don’t remember.
Maybe I can research how to get back your memory.
10.30 Antibiotics taken. Face hurts. Rt eye swollen half shut. Been long time since my allergies acted up this much. Don’t recall what was done to combat it. Whole body aches. Rt hip throbbing. Neighbors burning leaves tonight just made it worse. Informed kids they’re on their own for breakfast. I’m sleeping in a little. I need the rest. Had to cancel decorating at church tomorrow. Lord willing, I’ll feel better enough to decorate some on Thursday before church.