Lighting Strikes – Journal Entries 19-21 December 2019

Dec 19

7.00 rt ear hurts, stuffy nose, low back aches, rt hip burning.

9.30 called dental clinic. Quick thought prayer…please allows me to be seen before end of year. Spoke with nice lady over phone. Apt available tomorrow! I expressed my surprise. She told me they had cancellation this morning. Praise the Lord! I pray they can just put filling back in tooth. May also need antibiotics. Been swishing/drinking thyme peppermint tea to help.

12.30 rt ear throbbing & feels swollen. Prominent ringing in ear.

7.24 face feels flushed and feverish. Headache.

8.30 church went well tonight. Sweet spirit. Brain had hard time keeping up with notes and tempo of hymns. Trouble with coordination between brain, eyes, and hands. Ended up plucking notez with top hand for most of them.

10.00 sharp pain in center of chest as if ribs are caught in middle. Very painful! Don’t know what caused it.

11.00p toothaches are horrible. Rt ear throbbing. Rt jaw throbbing. Pain rx taken. Orajel applied multiple times. Salt water gargle. Antiseptic mouthwash with peppermint oil swished. Thyme tea with peppermint swished. Vicks rub on cotton ball and put in rt ear gently. Headache. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down to leg. Feet chilly. Tired.

Lord, please be with President Trump & his family. Protect them. Guide them. Surround them with Your mightiest angels during this difficult evil time surrounding them especially at Christmas. Please be with the Senators please turn their hearts towards You and help them make the correct decision that will ultimately bring You honor and glory due Your name. In Jesus’ name and through His blood I pray. Amen!

Dec 20

8.30 dental apt at 8.45. I’m stressed and a bit scared. Don’t like dentists. I know..I know…Psalms 56:3 What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

I know I must have faith, but I’m still scared.

9.56 waiting long to be seen. Desk nurses never met a lightning survivor. They asked a bunch of questions. I was able to give account & praise to the Lord that I’m still alive. One told me I was definitely a blessing.

Nervousness is aggravating my Costocondritis. Ugh! Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Jaw & tooth nerve pain is intense. A 10 at times – only because it hurts bad enough that I must do something about it. I don’t want to be in agonizing pain at Christmas. I want to try to enjoy it and do my best to remember if only with pictures to jog memory.

Decided goal next year is to start assembling memory albums to help me remember my past with my family.

Headache ensues. Whole body aches. Center of chest dull stab pain.

10.30 finally being seen. Xray taken. Lead apron actually was calming. There might be something to the weighted blankets?

Everyone was so nice and took time to explain to me what was going on. Dental tech asked about how it happened.

11.30 stop at Publix for rxs. Check bp 119/82 hr 65. Pharmacist asked me more details of my lightning strike. Asked if it burst my eardrums. I told him no but my rt ear hurts all the time now. If anything it magnified my hearing. He said wow and asked how. I told him about being able to repeat everything Dr & nurses were saying hallway thru closed door. Pharmacist said wow and made reference to having hearing like million dollar man for a while. He told me that I was blessed because since we talked he’s been researching about lightning survivors and most of them he’s heard of or read their eardrums burst. I agreed that I was blessed indeed to still be here.

2.00p laid down to rest bc morning events wore me out. Fell asleep for an hour. It was my body’s way of dealing with the pain.

6.22 intense sharp pain in rt ear & jaw! Stopping me in my tracks. Putting ear on heating pad. Fell asleep.

Tooth pain and earache is kicking me in the butt.

9.30 trying to wait up for daughter to get home. I hurt so much I just want to crawl into bed and crash. Putting heating pad on chest. Feels like Costocondritis is flaring up. Ugh!

10.30 had daughter put colloidal silver drops in ear. It seems to have helped ease the pain slightly. Chest center throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Whole body aches. Tingly pin poking needle pain thru body. Sometimes I just don’t know how to explain pain. I’m exhausted. Bad headache. Pain rx taken. Taking muscle relaxer to help me sleep


8.30 finally fell asleep after midnight some time. Rt ear & jaw still throbbing.

Oddly, I can hear the train blowing it’s horn and the closest track is over 11 miles away. Had to ask Joe if he could hear it. He had to open back door and still didn’t hear it at first. This extra sensitive ears/hearing thing is bothersome at times.

10.50 a friend called distraught. Lent an ear to help her talk it out.

11.30 made visit with Joe for church. Although I enjoyed the visit, it was all overwhelming for my brain after a bit and I found myself dozing momentarily. When my brain takes in all it can handle, I find myself needing a nap to rest my brain for a while. I decided to chew a piece of gum to help.

5.00 crashed on chair in livingroom for 30 minutes or so. Couldn’t go anymore.

5.30 Joe asked for Welch Rabbit for dinner and helped with shredding the cheese. Delicious and easy.

10.30 watching Christmas movie. Toothache still hurts but not as bad as y’day. Pain rx & antibiotic helping. Headache. Neck hurts. Rt ear hurts. Stinging pain thru body. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches.

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