Jesus – Physician
Luke 4:23 – And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.
Jesus has the power to heal both our bodies and souls. We have multiple accounts in Scripture attesting to Him physically healing the brokenhearted, diseased, and wounded. His healing power is quickly spreading throughout the world, and many people seek him out to heal them of their ailments.
The ancient proverb “Physician heal thyself” was a popular proverb among the Jews. It was a way of saying, “We won’t believe a word you say until you take care of your own.” In other words, they were jealous that Jesus spent more time in Capernaum than in Nazareth. They were demanding he prove he was the Messiah.
Unfortunately, no matter how many signs there are that Jesus is the Messiah, some will choose to ignore them and reject him. The Jews rejected him as the Messiah because He didn’t fit into their idealistic views, and believing in Him would require humility and abandoning their religious traditions.
Jesus didn’t wait for the people to come to Him. He went to them wherever they were. In Mark 2:27, He tells us that His purpose was to call sinners to repentance – redeeming mankind from their sin.