Lightning Strikes Memoirs 20-22 August 2020
Aug 20
130 woken by loud noise…almost sounded like someone knocking on door. Put robe on and went to check on it but none up nor sound discovered. Prayed myself back to sleep.
710a I actually have house to myself this morning. Kind of nice. Will work on chores little at time.
Sometime during morning discovered the paint jar wasn’t fully closed and tipped over causing spill. Oh, no! Thankfully paint was in a plastic bag or it could’ve been worse. Took to table not realizing paint leaking thru bag too! Paint on table. Paint on hands. Not water based. Ugh! Quickly try rinse stuff off in sink. Not washing off!! Making messes everywhere!. Wipe paint off table with paper towels. Whew! Takes bit but it’s off both areas on table. Decide to use some of paint to paint a life jacket. End up getting all over hands. Have to use nail polish remover to get if off hands. Takes a while to get mess cleaned up. Wears me out. Now feel like I need nap.
700p Dad leading singing tonight bc Rick sick. Throws me off bc only singing two stanzas without prior warning. I’m thinking it’s 2nd stanza when he’s singing 3rd. It tickles me so much so I start laughing and stop playing for a bit til I stop laughing then start playing again. What a mess! Certainly keep things lively in church. Not the typical Baptists. Lol.
1015 exhausted. Lights bright and bothersome. Headache. Feet cold. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Thirsty. Upper torso burning throbbing. Hands swollen and stinging.
Aug 21
745a Went to bed freezing but woke up hot. Woke from nightmare. Had several of them last night. Couple of them scared me awake with a gasp. Whole body throbbing. Joints all really stiff and moving difficult. Stomach cramping. Lft arm and hand went to sleep while reading Bible. Had to sit up to relieve severe tingling.
Positive note headache has eased some. Lights still bothersome. Sinuses not as congested.
Maybe the colloidal silver & Probiotic combo is helping. Taking 2 tsp colloidal silver in am. Multivitamin w/ D, B12 mid morning. Vitamin C 1kmg am & pm. Probiotic with evening meal.
Tummy doesn’t feel bloated or hurt as much.
825a lft hand and arm went numb and tingling again. Can’t feel buttons on phone. Trying to post today’s verse. Frustrating.
930a muscles in lft arm spasming so hard that my family can see it. Tried moving arm to stop. Still continued. Lasted 20 minutes or so.
1220 I’m exhausted and haven’t hardly gotten anything done. Making kids do Bible & English today to finish schoolwork for week. Dezirae having trouble. Jordon breezes through. It upsets Dezirae Jordon gets done so quickly. He asks questions as needed. She upsets me for comparing & getting upset. Routine is out window bc Joe’s home.
1000p rt wrist throbbing and quite swollen most of day. Exhausted and deep bone pain thru body. Lethargic. Head hurts. Brain for fish.
Aug 22
750a so much pain does not make one want to get up. Woke from horrible nightmares. Need to calm brain back down.
Woke to both arms numb and tingly. Entire torso burning stinging pain. Hands swollen and throbbing. Legs ache deeply. Feet hurt. Toes tingly. The weight of Joe’s arm feels like it’s crushing my side – it feels so heavy (though I know it’s not). Neck hurts. My upper body warm but toes & tip of feet are freezing.
His arm may feel extra heavy due to extreme pain but I don’t complain bc it’s his way of showing he loves me and it’s comforting in the midst of the pain.
Should have expected the extra pain due to two named storms in the Gulf which are expected to hit land as soon as Tuesday. It’s been since I think around 1935 since this happened. First time in my lifetime. I don’t even remember what I’m suppose to do to prepare for hurricane.
Read Daniel 7-12. Verse that sticks out…
Daniel 12:10
Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
We are in the midst of a perverse generation. Many seek to serve self and will hurt whomever they can to make themselves look better or advance their own cause. Many Christians are claiming 1 Chronicles 7:14 by mouth but their actions shew me their ways are tainted with the world’s standards. They have played on the line too much it has blurred their vision.
If I could only see this world the way You see, Lord, I just know I’d serve You more faithfully.😪
830a Asked Joe to rub the pain rub oil all over me. It’s helping. Still in lots of pain but can move slowly now.
Joe made breakfast: Grilled egg, bacon, & cheese sandwich
1000 kids asked to go to flea market. We brought my wheel chair due to me being much pain today. Passed out tracts. Met a guy that used to be in the daycare at church & his siblings went to the school. Invited to come join us. Neat to meet people who used to go to our church.
Stopped at Wal-Mart on way home. Needed few items for dinner. I’m exhausted but enjoyed the day.
4pm neighbors are having a party. Lots of people and music blasting. It’s so loud it’s rattling my chest and hurting me. Giving me a headache!
1000p finally quiet again. Now maybe I can try to get rid of migraine they gave me. Ugh! In much pain from head to toe. Both ears ringing. Skin itchy.
1100 nerves feel like they’re swollen and trying to expand past my skin.
Took night meds. Took Naproxen. Diffusing lavender oil. Applied sleepy lotion.
Lightning Strikes Memoirs – August 17 – 19, 2020
Aug 17
5am strange dreams. Whole body aches. taking JAS to work. Feet are cold. Put socks on. Found if I can keep my feet warm or from getting ice cold I can usually deter a migraine.
550 dash lights don’t work…used display light from phone. discovered car is on empty on way home. Then found out gas cap is missing. Ugh! Not very happy.
612 decide to straighten kitchen & living room a little. Start load of whites. Make cup of hot raspberry leaf tea. Fold two load clothes. Rt arm fatigued out and is cramping now. Exhausted. Decided to take 30 min nap. Sleeping with my freshly washed blanket. Smells so good. Feel like Linus. Entire torso throbbing like toothache.
200 thunderstorm came thru in afternoon. Jumped every time it thundered and lightning struck. Will the intense reactions ever subside?
900p low back throbbing fiercely. Rt hip severe pain. Lower lft LG tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling/numbish to toes. Headache. Going to bed
Night rx taken. Applied sleep lotion, immune roller blend to bottoms of feet, applied pain roller blend to hip area, naproxen,
Aug 18
1100a crashed on Chase lounge for about an hour. Couldn’t push no more. Still tired.
940 neighbor shot off his shot gun. I hate that. I jumped and yelled Ah.
Whole body hurts. Wrist throbbing. Rt hip & lower back throbbing. Center chest hurts. Stomach muscles spasming.
Aug 19
430 is too early. Must take Jordon to work. Freezing so put on sweater.
500a at least there’s hardly any other cars on road.
Sharp pain shooting thru eyes (lft to rt). Lasted about 5 minutes. Lights bothersome – yet I have brightness turned all way down on phone.
Wrists throbbing (rt more than lft). Upper shoulders burning throbbing. Neck hurts. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Legs burning aching (like after heavy workout, but I haven’t). Sinuses congested. Feet burning throbbing yet chilled. Head hurts. Rt elbow throbbing & hurts to move it. Resting for an hour.
720 laying in bed reading Bible. Stomach muscles start spasming inside.
430p busy day. Kids both worked on top of school work. Took Jordon to bank to open checking account. Had to schedule appointment via phone & be Covid19 screened first. plus wear mask inside bank (felt strange). Apt went longer than normal bc the printer/ computer started acting up on lady. First pages started loading extra slow the when it came time to print our paperwork it wouldn’t print (at first it was only printing one page at a time then it just stopped). Wendy asked three different people for help to no avail. I asked her to email it to us and I’d print it at home. She apologized and eventually conceded she would email documents. I did secretly wonder if it was my electrifying personality that helped it mess up? Lol. Apt lasted almost an hour and half!
7p rt side screaming in pain. Center of chest hurting. Probably bc I overdid it today.
830 neighbors blasting their bass. Nothing we can do in county. Thought prayer that their system malfunctions. Ugh! Heavy rock n roll hurts my nerves and my ears
930p a flow showed up for a visit. Stomach hurts. Whole body throbbing. Headache. Hands throbbing & tingling. Low back intense throbbing.
Lightning Strikes Memoirs 14 – 16 August 2020
Aug 14
630 woke from horrible nightmares and in severe pain thru body. Arms & hands numb & tingly. Rt hip throbbing. Whole back throbbing. Legs stinging. Toes tingly. Head hurts.
700 Read Bible Daniel 1-4; Rev 3:19-20; Acts 16:30-31
If only we as Christians would collectively have the boldness to take a stand as Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack, & Abednigo did.
730 started straightening the living room & kitchen area. Carpets dirty…put them to wash.
800 pain level 7/8 today. Laying down to rest a bit.
1100 Mom asked us to check out Ollies with her. We agreed. Found Cmas present for Jordon. Hide in room only to hope I remember where I put it later. Lol.
12:45 Stopped at grocery store to get the ribs & cheesecake for dinner. Found BOGO deal on ribs but forgot the cheesecake 🤦.
2:00 Jakob said Dad forgot the cameras. Ugh. He was asked to bring them to them. Asked Jakob to get the cheesecake for me. Whew! Almost blew that one. Celebrating Joe’s SP Bday. It’s hard to be excited when you’re hurting.
Friend was suppose to stop by to pick up books but she explained she was having high pain day. I completely understand.
Naproxen hasn’t touched it.
230 severe thunderstorm ensues. Keeping myself preoccupied with movies I haven’t seen before.
930 going to bed. Hurt from head to toes. Headache. Severe pain in low back. Rt hip aches. Throat feels like I have frog stuck and it won’t clear. Lower legs throbbing. Toes & feet tingling & stinging. Hands swollen and throbbing. Lft collar bone area throbbing. Sinuses congested.
Hopefully, Joe’s paycheck will be fixed come Tuesday. Thankful we had $ saved to be able to pay mtg in Nick of time but will have to replace it come Tuesday. Lord willing.
Vitamins/Rx taken:
Magnesium Complex, Propanolol, Turmeric, Zyrtec, Vitamin C.
Drinking Chamomile Tea to help me sleep.
Aug 15
745 horrible thunderstorm during night woke me out of sleep. Body tensed causing more than than I was in. Kept me awake for little while. Joe started rubbing my back to help.
When will thunderstorms stop inflicting so much more pain in my body? I just so bad I just want to cry.
1145 didn’t do much of anything today. I hurt so bad. Able to do some things to keep mind off but it only worked for short while.
Aug 16
6am woke sometime in middle of night freezing to death. Got frustrated trying to find covers. Joe helped. Later told me as he tried helping me cover up his hand touched my body and it felt like ice! Took bit to warm up to fall back to sleep.
I hurt so bad it hurts to move. Rt hip throbbing. Both hands and arms numb & tingling. Whole body deep stinging pain. Headache. Grumpy.
Not looking forward to starting school Monday. Had a certain way it was going to go bit
345 got up from resting. Hurt worse than before laying down. Pins & needles feeling in legs and feet making it painful to walk.
400 I’m freezing again. Put sweater on til I warmed up.
Not sure if hormones are out of balance or its a nerve issue or both
Lightning Strikes 11-13 August 2020
Aug 11
500a woke to bloody nose. Rt side cramping , hurting just trying to pull cover up. Headache. Feeling a little weak. Strange dreams. Whole body aches.
513a deep stinging pain in arms and legs
800 rewoke to hands and arms being numb. I’m so exhausted. Need to wake up.
330p stomach muscles spasming/fluttering
501p Joe infuriating me! He’s having bad day bc his work giving him hard time about his vacation pay they left out of last paycheck. Now my anxiety of driving on interstate is upsetting him more. I’m not taking it. Yelling ensues. I’m staying away from him rest of day.
600p Joe finally calms down enough and comes apologizing for being a jerk. I forgive him. I apologize too.
Dezirae made fried rice for dinner. Did good job but I like it better with previously cooked rice.
Stomach muscles still spasming/ fluttering. It’s getting rather annoying. Rt hip throbbing. Sharp pain in lft upper leg. I’m tired.
Omega-7 Complex Sea Buckthorn Oil Blend Item #058593
Think I’m going to try it out. I know my brain functioned better when I was taking omega 3 fish oil. Maybe this be better combo.
930 decided to drink chamomile tea to see if it’d help ease cramping. It helped some. Now just periodic.
Aug 12
243 I’m exhausted. Took Joe to work. Sat at LM for 3 hrs. Came home to rest. Jakob said he needed help. Told him not sure how much I can do but willing to help. Brought kids too. He’s looking for rims for Buick. Found one needs one more. It’s hot 96°. Dezirae asked to go school shopping. I’m picking up dinner from somewhere tonight.
Rt hip throbbing like toothache.
1100 met Lawana’s PT nurse today. He seemed nice. Lawana told him about my being struck by lightning. He naturally inquired about it. He had never met a survivor before. Made sure I told him about LS support group on FB in case he meets another. Said he’d keep it in mind.
912p going to bed. Need to lie flat bc hip killing me. Discovered I took Thurs morn pills instead of Weds. Hope I remember in am. I’m exhausted. Shoulders and upper body throbbing. I’m past tired. Brain feels like mush.
Trying black salve on my arm & neck this week. Arm seems to be improving but not sure about neck. Give couple more days then may to schedule apt.
Colloidal Silver & probiotics for gut health
Heal the gutt
- Destroy bad bacteria
Take colloidal silver on empty stomach
2.Reseed with good bacteria solid bacteria)
3.Repair epithelail lining
Drink herbal.teas designed to healing tissue – plantain, licorice, aloe vera, peppermint, marshmallow root, and slippery elm bark. These can be encapsulated or made into a tea.
Building new tissue requires some basic building blocks. Take 2,000 mg of vitamin C, 10,000 IUs of vitamin D, and a good B-complex daily. Taking 250 mg of magnesium can also help support the mucus layer.
Aug 13
500a woke to sharp stabbing pain in nerves from head to toe.
630 took 2 tsp colloidal silver. Gotta try to heal my gutt to see if it’ll help my tongue, indigestion, and neck clear up.
1030 muscles in stomach started spasming again.
315 it’s getting dark outside. Concerning.
325 it’s pouring rain outside & I’m supposed to go get Joe soon. Muscles in rt arm spasming. Anxiety building. Lord lead me to the rock.
416 I’m bout to have meltdown!!!
Hit pocket water getting into interstate that jerked whole car!
313063 us express truck came within inches of kissing my butt and then almost sideswiped me!!!!
Thunderstorms not my friend. I’m soaked to boot.
1000 sharp shooting pains in rt side
Lightning Strikes – 8-10 August 2020
Aug 8
700 strange dream quite perplexing (searching for something in places I’ve never been)
Rt hip severely throbbing. Low back throbbing. Whole body hurts horribly. Slight headache. Sinuses congested.
Boost metabolism with L-Carnitine
Burn fat with Chromium
Speed up fat burn with Betaine
1113 today went good.
Pain from head to toe. Rt hip throbbing. Low back aches. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with burning from calf to toes. Hiccups. Skin itches.
Aug 9
630 woke up from nightmare
In much pain in upper torso area. Hurts to move. Neck throbbing. Thirsty. Back itches. Tired. Low back hurts. Rt hip hurts. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling from mid calf to toes. Sinuses congested. Muscles spasming in legs & butt.
1115 hands & wrists throbbing. Extra difficult to focus this morning. Asked Jordon to close fellowship door as it was distracting. Noises seemed extra magnified. My eyes want to follow every little movement. Had earbud in rt ear but it wasn’t enough today. Stopped partway into offertory hymn to put both buds in. Started over. Better but still can hear people whispering. Joe asks people to please keep noise to minimum while I’m playing offertory to help.
Positive – learned that a specific way I suggested to study Bible to lady in church has stuck and she’s still doing it (her husband was bragging on her😉).
1145 feeling really weird…nerves in torso feels jittery and I’m feeling weak and majorly tired – like I could pass out. Arms feel like they’re being zapped.
110 stinging, burning pain deep in my bones. Starting to feel weak. Feel like I’m about to crash/pass out. So tired.
200 woken from by a thunderstorm
645 I remembered what my favorite flower was…the bearded purple iris (aka German iris) – strange though because my fav color is navy blue
Today was a strange day but I’m doing okay. Didn’t know that we were going to have a thunderstorm this afternoon but my body let me know painfully. When the barometric pressure changes my body responds with increased pain deep in my muscles and bones. I get real weak, extra hard to focus and feel like I’m going to pass out. When that happens I have to sit or lay down for a while. I ended up sleeping for half hour this afternoon, but resting for an hour or so until storm passes. It’s so strange, but I’m learning to adapt.
1120 in much pain. Will take naproxen tonight.
Aug 10
Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Sleepy feeling butt offered help. Lower leg and feet cold. Exhausted & hurting. Rt side cramping.
Bloody nose
Now Unto Him That is Able – Robin Parton
Happy, Happy Monday! I hope that everyone had an amazing weekend serving the Lord!
This week’s devo is “Now Unto Him That is Able” written by Robin Parton. She is going to share some of her testimony and how God has worked in her life!!! Please take the time to read!
Thank you for being YOU!
Now Unto Him That is Able – Robin Parton
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think…” (Eph.3:20 KJV). Do you believe that? I do, and that is why I chose to be anointed with oil asking God to spare me from the many possible complications that could arise from the removal of a fast growing benign brain tumor.
There was a 30% chance I would lose all of my hearing in my right ear, and I did; however, there was only a 3% chance I would wake up with facial paralysis, but I did.
All, but one of my doctors believed this would be my permanent condition.
When I saw my reflection for the first time in the bathroom mirror, out of shock I said, “I feel like a freak.” Immediately the Holy Spirit convicted me that my thinking was wrong, and I knew right then and there I was going to have to spend as little time as possible looking into a physical mirror and as much time as possible looking into the mirror of God’s Word.
The above verse concludes a prayer Paul prayed for the believers at Ephesus. He begins his prayer with the following: “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…That he would grant you…to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man” (Eph. 3:14-16 KJV).
Our inner man is our soul: our mind, will, and emotion.
I find it interesting that Paul did not pray for their bodies to be strengthened. Did he even know anything about physical suffering? Yes, he did, and we find a long list of these sufferings in 2 Corinthians 11:23-27 (KJV):
- In labours more abundant,
- In stripes above measure,
- In prisons more frequent,
- In deaths oft.
- Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one.
- Thrice was I beaten with rods,
- Once was I stoned,
- Thrice I suffered shipwreck,
- A night and a day I have been in the deep;
- In journeyings often,
- In perils of waters,
- In perils of robbers,
- In perils by mine own countrymen,
- In perils by the heathen, [
- In perils in the city,
- In perils in the wilderness,
- In perils in the sea,
- In perils among false brethren;
- In weariness and painfulness,
- In watchings often,
- In hunger and thirst,
- In fastings often,
- In cold and nakedness.
That is a LOT of physical suffering!
In the following chapter, we find Paul asking the Lord three times to remove another physical problem from him, but God chose not to do so. Rather He chose to strengthen Paul in his inner man. Listen to what Paul has to say in 2 Corinthians 12:9&10:
“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness…for when I am weak, then am I strong” (KJV).
Then in Romans 8:35-39 we find further evidence of the work God was doing in Paul to strengthen his inner man:
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword…
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (KJV).
Looking back at Ephesians 3, Paul goes on to tell us how we can be strengthened in our inner man.
In verses 17-19 he says, “That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God” (KJV).
Paul had experienced physical suffering; he knew how important it is to seek to know God and His great love for us in order for our souls to experience strength in the midst of physical weakness.
Would it have brought God glory to answer our prayers for me to be spared from the complications of this surgery? Yes, it would have. However, His choice in allowing my facial features to be altered caused me to look into the mirror God’s Word for answers to questions many of us ask:
- !Why did God create me as He did when He is certainly capable of creating so much beauty?”
- !If beauty brings honor and glory to God, how can I possibly do so in my current physical condition?”
- !Is it possible for me to be content with my appearance?”
- !Will I ever be able to focus on others without thinking about how I look?” • !How important is physical beauty to God anyway?”
As I looked for answers, something began to happen deep within my soul. A peace and contentment came over me as my thoughts on the topic of physical beauty were brought into subjection to God’s thoughts.
Now let us take another look at Ephesians 3:20, but this time in its entirety, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” It brings God glory to do a supernatural work in our hearts, or our inner man, when we are suffering.
Have you ever noticed how many times the Psalmist refers to this when he says things like:
- “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart…” (Ps. 27:14 KJV).
- “The Lord is my strength and my shield: my heart trusted in him, and I am helped…” (Ps. 28:7 KJV).
- “He healeth the broken in heart…” (Ps. 147:3 KJV)
- “Quicken me, O LORD, for thy name”s sake: for thy righteousness” sake bring my soul out of trouble” (Ps. 143:11).
In closing, I would like us to consider one more biblical principle as we seek to allow God to strengthen our inner man. James 4:6 tells us “…God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble” (KJV).
It is in our pride that we fight against God and seek to exalt our will over His. However, His grace is promised as we humble ourselves before Him.
Although, I have gained some control over the lower part of my face, my smile is forever changed due to the atrophy of my facial muscles, and the upper part of my face remains paralyzed causing my right eyelid to droop. However, my inner man is experiencing a victory that can only be attributed to the power of God working in the heart of a humbled servant.
Are you fighting against Him today? May I challenge you to submit to your loving Heavenly Father and then watch Him do exceeding abundantly above all that you could ask or think, according to the power of the Holy Spirit working in you.
Lightning Strikes – 4-6 August 2020
Aug 4
Pretty good day I think.
Took Joe to work so I could have car. Needed to take Jordon to get khaki shorts for work. Also, sitting with elderly friend for few hours before picking up Joe from work. Able to get onions in dehydrator. Got 3 life jackets done. Found Joe a new to him suit for $25.
Accidentally learned how to brighten my whites. Attempted to wash whites in oxiclean (Biz something or other) but ended up soaking them for couple hours bc washer is acting up. Washer finally cycled through. When I was finally able to fold for putting away I was amazed at how clean and bright they were!
Remembered random memory from before meeting husband about a guy on his wedding day asking if he’d ever have a chance with me. I told him no. He said he had to know. I have no clue why that even popped in my head. I can remember where I was standing and that it made me feel very awkward. I definitely wasn’t going to be the reason the wedding would be called off. No siree!
Memory problems…
Following videos posted on one of my LS support groups.
Is it a memory problem or something else?
Memory problems: when am I going to get better?
Headache. Sensitive to bright lights. Took 2 hr nap this morning. Rt ear ringing loud for 20 mins this afternon. Hands swollen. Neck hurts. Upper shoulders & back burning throbbing minor stinging. Low back hurts. Rt hip throbbing like toothache. Legs ache. Feet hurt & tingling. Ankles tingling needles throbbing. Skin itchy.
Aug 5
Turned too far right and rt side cramped up making it difficult to move. Had to stop and be still for several minutes to get it to ease.
Sharp stabbing pain in lower lft abdomen. Exhausted.
228 I’m plumb exhausted. Need a nap.
Kids are frustrating me.
530 Joe gave me kiss on forehead and I felt like I was running fever. Took my temp. It’s low grade 99. He was kind and cooked dinner for me too.
All the noise in the house right now is overloading my brain on top of me being frustrated. Jordon taking food handler class online. Washer going. Jakob on phone with his girlfriend. Music from I don’t remember where. Everything is crashing in on me. Joe steps in and calms the noises for me.
630 I’m feeling drained and wiped out.
Scraped my knee and don’t know how. I do know how I got the bruises on same knee.
7:00 going to bed. I’m done functioning for today. Need to unplug and recharge.
920 still wide awake but laying in bed. Whole body throbbing. Random sharp pain in lower left abdomen causes me to double over. Don’t know why but just know it hurts.
Rt hip throbbing. Headache. Hands smell of onions. Feet throbbing, tingling. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Low back throbs. Eyes crusty & heavy. Lft knee sharp stabbing pain. Hands throbbing. Calves tight and burn like did extensive workout but I haven’t. Need to walk in neighborhood. Thirsty. Neck hurts. Center of chest rt side hurts.
937 just discovered I didn’t take my morning meds. Night meds taken. Naproxen. Sleepy time lotion. Lavender oil diffusing. Immune blend eo applied to bottoms of feet.
Aug 6
Very strange dream that makes no sense, rhyme or reason to where it came from or why.
700a in much pain all over. Did too much yday. Headache. Throbbing from head to toes. Tired.
Planned on working on blog today but that didn’t happen. Too many things to do and not enough time. Need to learn to write lists more frequently so I can keep up and feel accomplished (or at least remember what I did. Lol).
Cheddar Bay biscuits flopped and got squished. Chicken Zucchini casserole was bland and squishy/soupy. Need to tweak it next time and only bake not slow cook it. Ugh. Joe asked me to type something up for him for church tonight and I messed that up too.
700p note to self…don’t try to balance checkbook on a church day. Brain gets too foggy afterwards. Makes it extra difficult to focus.
720 tried the earbud suggestion while playing piano. Took bit of getting used. Think it helped.
Woah! Took earbud out of rt ear when I got to my seat. Flood of noises rushed to my ear. Fan blowing across room sounded like hurricane winds. Child chewing on something.
Lightning Strikes Memoirs 1-3 August 2020
August 1
Woke from nightmare in much pain. Joe massaged back. Felt good.
Joe says rr hip is quite swollen.
Jordon made breakfast.
Graduation party at church. Went well.
Celebrate Jordon getting job with pizza chips and movie.
Sleepy. Whole body hurts. Headache. Hands swollen & throbbing sting. Low back throbbing stinging. Skin itchy & sensitive. St hip throbbing something aweful unable to get comfortable. Sinus congestion. Feet ache. Random sharp stabbing pain thru body making me jolt. Neck popped loud this afternoon. Neck hurts more now. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling with stinging needle pain from just above knee to foot.
Aug 2
Woke in much pain. Feel like my back is broke. Hurts to m p ‘ve. Feel like I slept hard but I’m still tired. Skin sensitive. Hand and wrists throbbing.
1126 middle of back stinging. Neck pops when I move it. Neck now hurting. Pain shooting to extremities from back center. 2 hour nap. Pain woke me up.
615 Joe tells me while playing piano that my face is beat red. Head is pounding. Face feels hot. Brain blurring.
Need to teach people to be quiet during offertory. Attempted new song tonight but between all the extra noises and brain blurring I had extreme difficulty staying concentrated and focusing. Messed up horribly. Only played one stanza but I got frustrated and gave up.
Two sweeties decide to sit with me tonight. I’m not prepared…haven’t replaced mini color sheets…improvise and give them blank graph paper. They’re content. Whew.
800p expressed my frustration to Joe on way home. Said he’ll make announcement bc it’s a teaching opportunity. Also suggested I try wearing ear buds to block sound in at least my rt ear so I don’t hear the noises especially since I have extra sensitive hearing now. Told him I’d wear my black ones to make it obvious. Lol.
1045p in so much pain from head to toes. St hip screaming. Exhausted. Muscles randomly spasming thru body. Hope to fall asleep soon.
Aug 3
Rough night. Did not sleep well. Whole body hurts. Headache. Collar bone lft side throbbing. Ears hurt. Lights hurts eyes deeply.
645a collar bone lft side throbbing. Stinging sensation thru body. Hands severely swollen. Headache. Feet throbbing. St hip aches. Torso aches. Going to rest eyes little while to see if it’ll help. Applying pain rub to back of neck.
1035p visiting with friends went well. Made it in time to pick Joe up from work. Came home to make dinner. Rae helped. Joe did too.
Back throbbing. Body hurts. Exhausted.
Took Epsom salt bubble bath. Felt so good.
Whole body hurts. Tummy very bloated.