July 30
Woke with a little energy. Decided to tackle finishing up planning school work for upcoming year. Discovered I don’t even have all the books yet. Asked God for help. Gotta get on top of this. I’m so way behind. School is suppose to start in 3 weeks.
It takes me all day just to figure out English for Jordon. I don’t have all his books. Find them one used books site but having difficulty adding book to cart. Call place. Lady takes order over phone & gives me free shipping for letting her know. Yay for me!
Joe text saying he got call that missionary will be with us tonight. Only showing slides & presenting ministry. I assume it’s just a man. Mission house not ready. Joe told him so. He has place to stay. Whew!
300p time to get ready for church. My brain is swirling and pounding from concentrating and trying to figure school out. Tired and need a nap. Oops. Forgot to take morning meds. Maybe b12 will help.
Stuck in brain that I need to go to store but I can’t remember what ever for. Forgot stupid masks so can’t go to store. 1/2 way to church I remembered I really needed to go to Dr office to pick up my Gerd rx. Don’t have mask can’t go there either. Ugh! Will have to go tomorrow.
Received call that Lawana ended up at ER last night. I was asked to bring her lunches for next couple of days. Also, think about us sitting with her couple hours every other day or so. Said I’d have to check with Joe. I don’t mind but with school starting and only one working vehicle I’m not sure how it’ll work. God I need You to supply a vehicle soon.
3/4 way to church I realize I forgot to pack bread for the sandwiches. Ugh. Ask to stop at store near church. Grab loaf of bread. Now to figure out what to use hoagie rolls for.
Once at church, discover one of a/C units quit working. Let Joe know. He calls a/C guy. Will come out tomorrow. In meantime get fans going and window units in fellowship hall blowing.
We have 28 in church tonight. PtL! 9 visitors with 3 of them being return visitors. Yay! Dezirae & I in nursery tonight.
On way home, Joe let me know that the buddy he asked for the eo pain roller for said thank you and he really appreciated it. It was working good for him.
Pain was about a 5 most of day. Indigestion. Headache. Skin itchy & sensitive (hair feels like needles poking me when it touches my skin). Brain foggy after trying to focus on school plans. Never really stayed focus on one thing kept jumping to other things when I thought of them jumped to do them too. (Filter water, straighten house, put random things where they belong, unpack some more, put clothes awsy, ice, sweet tea – started but had Rae finish making it). Low back throbbing. Lower lft leg slight tourniquet tight9 feeling. Toes tingly. Sinus congestion. Lips parched. Didn’t drink enough fluids today. I can feel it.
July 31
800 A/C guy called asking to meet us at church. Yay! I go to take down bulletin board. Have no clue what putting up next but I like to keep them guessing.
Tripped over Joe’s shoes in closet and hit my knee against crate. Instant bruise
900 found I walk better bare foot. In some strange fashion it helps me keep my balance better.