August 1
Woke from nightmare in much pain. Joe massaged back. Felt good.
Joe says rr hip is quite swollen.
Jordon made breakfast.
Graduation party at church. Went well.
Celebrate Jordon getting job with pizza chips and movie.
Sleepy. Whole body hurts. Headache. Hands swollen & throbbing sting. Low back throbbing stinging. Skin itchy & sensitive. St hip throbbing something aweful unable to get comfortable. Sinus congestion. Feet ache. Random sharp stabbing pain thru body making me jolt. Neck popped loud this afternoon. Neck hurts more now. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling with stinging needle pain from just above knee to foot.
Aug 2
Woke in much pain. Feel like my back is broke. Hurts to m p ‘ve. Feel like I slept hard but I’m still tired. Skin sensitive. Hand and wrists throbbing.
1126 middle of back stinging. Neck pops when I move it. Neck now hurting. Pain shooting to extremities from back center. 2 hour nap. Pain woke me up.
615 Joe tells me while playing piano that my face is beat red. Head is pounding. Face feels hot. Brain blurring.
Need to teach people to be quiet during offertory. Attempted new song tonight but between all the extra noises and brain blurring I had extreme difficulty staying concentrated and focusing. Messed up horribly. Only played one stanza but I got frustrated and gave up.
Two sweeties decide to sit with me tonight. I’m not prepared…haven’t replaced mini color sheets…improvise and give them blank graph paper. They’re content. Whew.
800p expressed my frustration to Joe on way home. Said he’ll make announcement bc it’s a teaching opportunity. Also suggested I try wearing ear buds to block sound in at least my rt ear so I don’t hear the noises especially since I have extra sensitive hearing now. Told him I’d wear my black ones to make it obvious. Lol.
1045p in so much pain from head to toes. St hip screaming. Exhausted. Muscles randomly spasming thru body. Hope to fall asleep soon.
Aug 3
Rough night. Did not sleep well. Whole body hurts. Headache. Collar bone lft side throbbing. Ears hurt. Lights hurts eyes deeply.
645a collar bone lft side throbbing. Stinging sensation thru body. Hands severely swollen. Headache. Feet throbbing. St hip aches. Torso aches. Going to rest eyes little while to see if it’ll help. Applying pain rub to back of neck.
1035p visiting with friends went well. Made it in time to pick Joe up from work. Came home to make dinner. Rae helped. Joe did too.
Back throbbing. Body hurts. Exhausted.
Took Epsom salt bubble bath. Felt so good.
Whole body hurts. Tummy very bloated.