Aug 11
500a woke to bloody nose. Rt side cramping , hurting just trying to pull cover up. Headache. Feeling a little weak. Strange dreams. Whole body aches.
513a deep stinging pain in arms and legs
800 rewoke to hands and arms being numb. I’m so exhausted. Need to wake up.
330p stomach muscles spasming/fluttering
501p Joe infuriating me! He’s having bad day bc his work giving him hard time about his vacation pay they left out of last paycheck. Now my anxiety of driving on interstate is upsetting him more. I’m not taking it. Yelling ensues. I’m staying away from him rest of day.
600p Joe finally calms down enough and comes apologizing for being a jerk. I forgive him. I apologize too.
Dezirae made fried rice for dinner. Did good job but I like it better with previously cooked rice.
Stomach muscles still spasming/ fluttering. It’s getting rather annoying. Rt hip throbbing. Sharp pain in lft upper leg. I’m tired.
Omega-7 Complex Sea Buckthorn Oil Blend Item #058593
Think I’m going to try it out. I know my brain functioned better when I was taking omega 3 fish oil. Maybe this be better combo.
930 decided to drink chamomile tea to see if it’d help ease cramping. It helped some. Now just periodic.
Aug 12
243 I’m exhausted. Took Joe to work. Sat at LM for 3 hrs. Came home to rest. Jakob said he needed help. Told him not sure how much I can do but willing to help. Brought kids too. He’s looking for rims for Buick. Found one needs one more. It’s hot 96°. Dezirae asked to go school shopping. I’m picking up dinner from somewhere tonight.
Rt hip throbbing like toothache.
1100 met Lawana’s PT nurse today. He seemed nice. Lawana told him about my being struck by lightning. He naturally inquired about it. He had never met a survivor before. Made sure I told him about LS support group on FB in case he meets another. Said he’d keep it in mind.
912p going to bed. Need to lie flat bc hip killing me. Discovered I took Thurs morn pills instead of Weds. Hope I remember in am. I’m exhausted. Shoulders and upper body throbbing. I’m past tired. Brain feels like mush.
Trying black salve on my arm & neck this week. Arm seems to be improving but not sure about neck. Give couple more days then may to schedule apt.
Colloidal Silver & probiotics for gut health
Heal the gutt
- Destroy bad bacteria
Take colloidal silver on empty stomach
2.Reseed with good bacteria solid bacteria)
3.Repair epithelail lining
Drink herbal.teas designed to healing tissue – plantain, licorice, aloe vera, peppermint, marshmallow root, and slippery elm bark. These can be encapsulated or made into a tea.
Building new tissue requires some basic building blocks. Take 2,000 mg of vitamin C, 10,000 IUs of vitamin D, and a good B-complex daily. Taking 250 mg of magnesium can also help support the mucus layer.
Aug 13
500a woke to sharp stabbing pain in nerves from head to toe.
630 took 2 tsp colloidal silver. Gotta try to heal my gutt to see if it’ll help my tongue, indigestion, and neck clear up.
1030 muscles in stomach started spasming again.
315 it’s getting dark outside. Concerning.
325 it’s pouring rain outside & I’m supposed to go get Joe soon. Muscles in rt arm spasming. Anxiety building. Lord lead me to the rock.
416 I’m bout to have meltdown!!!
Hit pocket water getting into interstate that jerked whole car!
313063 us express truck came within inches of kissing my butt and then almost sideswiped me!!!!
Thunderstorms not my friend. I’m soaked to boot.
1000 sharp shooting pains in rt side