Aug 14
630 woke from horrible nightmares and in severe pain thru body. Arms & hands numb & tingly. Rt hip throbbing. Whole back throbbing. Legs stinging. Toes tingly. Head hurts.
700 Read Bible Daniel 1-4; Rev 3:19-20; Acts 16:30-31
If only we as Christians would collectively have the boldness to take a stand as Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack, & Abednigo did.
730 started straightening the living room & kitchen area. Carpets dirty…put them to wash.
800 pain level 7/8 today. Laying down to rest a bit.
1100 Mom asked us to check out Ollies with her. We agreed. Found Cmas present for Jordon. Hide in room only to hope I remember where I put it later. Lol.
12:45 Stopped at grocery store to get the ribs & cheesecake for dinner. Found BOGO deal on ribs but forgot the cheesecake 🤦.
2:00 Jakob said Dad forgot the cameras. Ugh. He was asked to bring them to them. Asked Jakob to get the cheesecake for me. Whew! Almost blew that one. Celebrating Joe’s SP Bday. It’s hard to be excited when you’re hurting.
Friend was suppose to stop by to pick up books but she explained she was having high pain day. I completely understand.
Naproxen hasn’t touched it.
230 severe thunderstorm ensues. Keeping myself preoccupied with movies I haven’t seen before.
930 going to bed. Hurt from head to toes. Headache. Severe pain in low back. Rt hip aches. Throat feels like I have frog stuck and it won’t clear. Lower legs throbbing. Toes & feet tingling & stinging. Hands swollen and throbbing. Lft collar bone area throbbing. Sinuses congested.
Hopefully, Joe’s paycheck will be fixed come Tuesday. Thankful we had $ saved to be able to pay mtg in Nick of time but will have to replace it come Tuesday. Lord willing.
Vitamins/Rx taken:
Magnesium Complex, Propanolol, Turmeric, Zyrtec, Vitamin C.
Drinking Chamomile Tea to help me sleep.
Aug 15
745 horrible thunderstorm during night woke me out of sleep. Body tensed causing more than than I was in. Kept me awake for little while. Joe started rubbing my back to help.
When will thunderstorms stop inflicting so much more pain in my body? I just so bad I just want to cry.
1145 didn’t do much of anything today. I hurt so bad. Able to do some things to keep mind off but it only worked for short while.
Aug 16
6am woke sometime in middle of night freezing to death. Got frustrated trying to find covers. Joe helped. Later told me as he tried helping me cover up his hand touched my body and it felt like ice! Took bit to warm up to fall back to sleep.
I hurt so bad it hurts to move. Rt hip throbbing. Both hands and arms numb & tingling. Whole body deep stinging pain. Headache. Grumpy.
Not looking forward to starting school Monday. Had a certain way it was going to go bit
345 got up from resting. Hurt worse than before laying down. Pins & needles feeling in legs and feet making it painful to walk.
400 I’m freezing again. Put sweater on til I warmed up.
Not sure if hormones are out of balance or its a nerve issue or both