Aug 17
5am strange dreams. Whole body aches. taking JAS to work. Feet are cold. Put socks on. Found if I can keep my feet warm or from getting ice cold I can usually deter a migraine.
550 dash lights don’t work…used display light from phone. discovered car is on empty on way home. Then found out gas cap is missing. Ugh! Not very happy.
612 decide to straighten kitchen & living room a little. Start load of whites. Make cup of hot raspberry leaf tea. Fold two load clothes. Rt arm fatigued out and is cramping now. Exhausted. Decided to take 30 min nap. Sleeping with my freshly washed blanket. Smells so good. Feel like Linus. Entire torso throbbing like toothache.
200 thunderstorm came thru in afternoon. Jumped every time it thundered and lightning struck. Will the intense reactions ever subside?
900p low back throbbing fiercely. Rt hip severe pain. Lower lft LG tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling/numbish to toes. Headache. Going to bed
Night rx taken. Applied sleep lotion, immune roller blend to bottoms of feet, applied pain roller blend to hip area, naproxen,
Aug 18
1100a crashed on Chase lounge for about an hour. Couldn’t push no more. Still tired.
940 neighbor shot off his shot gun. I hate that. I jumped and yelled Ah.
Whole body hurts. Wrist throbbing. Rt hip & lower back throbbing. Center chest hurts. Stomach muscles spasming.
Aug 19
430 is too early. Must take Jordon to work. Freezing so put on sweater.
500a at least there’s hardly any other cars on road.
Sharp pain shooting thru eyes (lft to rt). Lasted about 5 minutes. Lights bothersome – yet I have brightness turned all way down on phone.
Wrists throbbing (rt more than lft). Upper shoulders burning throbbing. Neck hurts. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Legs burning aching (like after heavy workout, but I haven’t). Sinuses congested. Feet burning throbbing yet chilled. Head hurts. Rt elbow throbbing & hurts to move it. Resting for an hour.
720 laying in bed reading Bible. Stomach muscles start spasming inside.
430p busy day. Kids both worked on top of school work. Took Jordon to bank to open checking account. Had to schedule appointment via phone & be Covid19 screened first. plus wear mask inside bank (felt strange). Apt went longer than normal bc the printer/ computer started acting up on lady. First pages started loading extra slow the when it came time to print our paperwork it wouldn’t print (at first it was only printing one page at a time then it just stopped). Wendy asked three different people for help to no avail. I asked her to email it to us and I’d print it at home. She apologized and eventually conceded she would email documents. I did secretly wonder if it was my electrifying personality that helped it mess up? Lol. Apt lasted almost an hour and half!
7p rt side screaming in pain. Center of chest hurting. Probably bc I overdid it today.
830 neighbors blasting their bass. Nothing we can do in county. Thought prayer that their system malfunctions. Ugh! Heavy rock n roll hurts my nerves and my ears
930p a flow showed up for a visit. Stomach hurts. Whole body throbbing. Headache. Hands throbbing & tingling. Low back intense throbbing.