Dec 1
700 Guess what!? I was able to stand when I first woke up without any pain in feet. First time since LS. Praise the Lord.
Rt ear itches inside.
900a helped Dezirae with Math best I could. Gave me a headache and I had to rest a while afterwards.
1100p had decent day. Able to get three loads clothes washed. Two loads folded and put away.
Whole body aches. Headache. Low back throbbing. Chest aches. Arms sting. Sinuses acting up. Horrible indigestion. Taken three tums, eaten yogurt, taken 2 ginger caps. Shoulders sting. Legs ache. Lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling to feet. Lft palm stings. Exhausted. Going to sleep soon hopefully. Skin stinging needle pain. Feet tingly.
Night meds taken.
Dec 2
700a woke from deep sleep finally. Not hurting too bad – whole body aches. Upon standing only had sharp pain in left foot for short while.
Kids co-op Christmas party today. Decided to get veggie tray for party too but they were out of stock so got chips instead.
530 dinner was turkey stuffing casserole. Gave me severe indigestion! My sinuses acted up enough to need Tylenol sinus.rx. gerd rx, 2 ginger capsules, 2 tums, glass of milk. Feel like I’m gonna puke.
700p parents invited us to come watch a movie with them on their new tv. Still have indigestion bad.
930 I’ll be glad when I get my gerd rx. Can’t seem to shake the indigestion. Eating yogurt now.
11p still have bad indigestion. Water feels like it’s making it worse. Took another tums. Afraid to take night meds.
Rt hip throbbing worse than toothache. Low back throbbing. Back stings. Legs ache. Skin sensitive & itchy. Feet cold. Lft foot tingling. Lft arm & hand tingle.
Dec 3
Upon waking body aches, tired. Sharp needle pain in lft foot upon standing. Rt hip & low back pain has eased from night before. Indigestion greatly eased. Unsure if I should try to eat anything.
900a decided to try oatmeal for breakfast.
300p able to get caught up on bunch of little things for church. Need to rest a bit before getting ready to go to church. Tired and hurting good amount. Hands stingy throb. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Muscles periodic spasming in back. Feet cold though I have socks on. Legs ache. Headache.
354 out of breath just getting to the car
700 trying to play thru first song but couldn’t get the sharp so I stopped and found it in flats. Started to try to play it but song leader wasn’t paying attention and started talking before I finished first line. Ugh! He announced first hymn. I began playing introduction but didn’t even finish when he started singing. I threw my hands up and told Joe I’m not playing tonight. Got up and walked to my seat. I’m not fighting it anymore. The frustration magnifies my pain to unbearability.
Arms & hands stinging burning. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Brain fogged. Headache. Skin itches. Face & upper chest feels very flushed and hot.
Joe noticed from platform that I look flushed. Must be pretty red. Asked church to pray for me.
Joe felt my forehead after church. Says I’m burning up. Will have to take my temp when I get home.